As our attentive readers may have noticed our journal Archives for Computational Methods in Engineering (ACME) was founded in 1994 and thus this year it celebrates its 25th anniversary. During this period we have published 550 articles collected in 25 volumes of 4 issues each. Twenty-five years after ACME’s creation, we believe we can honestly say our initial vision to provide an authoritative and independent source of scientific information in a special format of state-of-the-art review papers has proven useful to the wide readership in the area of computational science and engineering with particular emphasis on mechanics and its many related areas. ACME covers diverse issues related to modelling, solution techniques and applications of computational methods in such areas as liquid and gas dynamics, solid and structural mechanics, bio-mechanics, multi-body system dynamics, stochastic processes, transport phenomena, heat transfer, coupled problems, control and optimization, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, CAD/CAM, etc. Variational formulations and numerical algorithms related to the implementation of the whole variety of computational methodologies have been the core areas covered by the Archives.

The articles are not mere literature surveys; a critical exposition of the topic in its full complexity has always been the goal of the editors and, in consequence, of all our authors. We are particularly pleased that many of the articles have been co-authored by young and senior scientists, the papers being often based upon the PhD theses of the former under the auspices of the latter. In this way ACME has also become an instrument for promoting the most talented young researchers entering their academic and professional careers.

As we go forward, it is worthwhile to bear in mind what it is we always wanted to achieve with ACME. We believe that within the various categories covered by the journal our readers expect to find high-quality papers that reliably inform, wisely educate, and meaningfully contribute to a high standard within the profession. When we look back at the past 25 years we believe that by publishing high quality papers we managed to lay a solid foundation for this special state-of-the-at-art review journal, making a noticeable impact upon the whole computational engineering community. We have the audacity to say this also because of the rising impact factor of ACME (IF = 7.242 in 2018). This now places ACME at the very top among the most cited journals in the whole field of computational science and engineering.

We observe with the utmost satisfaction that ACME is now widely referenced in all leading bibliographic databases, including Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, Google Scholar, EBSCO, ProQuest, Academic OneFile, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology, EI-Compendex, Expanded Academic, ICYT, Index to Scientific Reviews, Mathematical Reviews, OCLC, Referativnyi Zhurnal, SCImago, STMA-Z and Summon by Serial Solutions.

Finally, our word of most deserved acknowledgment goes to our respected members of the Editorial Board, excellent authors from all over the world and our dedicated staff at CIMNE and colleagues at Springer—without them ACME would never have achieved its present status as a reliable information source in our fast growing scientific discipline. For this devoted suport we express our thanks and highest appreciation to all those who have so successfully collaborated with us during the past quarter-century.

Michal Kleiber

Eugenio Oñate

Editors of ACME