Solitary bees often form specialised mutualisms with particular plant species, while honeybees are considered to be relatively opportunistic foragers. Thus, it may be expected that solitary bees are more effective pollinators than honeybees when foraging on the same floral resource. To test this, we studied two Wahlenbergia species (Campanulaceae) in South Africa that are visited by both social honeybees and solitary bees, and which are shown here to be genetically self-incompatible and thus reliant on pollinator visits for seed production. Contrary to expectation, the solitary bee Lipotriches sp. (Halictidae) and social bee Apis mellifera (Apidae), which were the two most frequent visitors to flowers of the study species, were equally effective pollinators in terms of the consequences of single visits for fruit and seed set. Both bee species preferentially visited female phase flowers, which contain more nectar than male phase flowers. Male solitary bees of several genera frequently shelter overnight in flowers of both Wahlenbergia species, but temporal exclusion experiments showed that this behaviour makes little contribution to either seed production or pollen dispersal (estimated using a dye particle analogue). Manipulation of flower colour using a sunscreen that removed UV reflectance strongly reduced visits by both bee groups, while neither group responded to Wahlenbergia floral odour cues in choice tests. This study indicates that while flowers of Wahlenbergia cuspidata and W. krebsii are pollinated exclusively by bees, they are not under strong selection to specialise for pollination by any particular group of bees.
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Many thanks to C. Eardley, ARC-plant protection research institute for identifying the bees to species. For their valuable assistance in this study, Dr. A. Juergens, S-L. Steenhuisen, A. Shutterworth, J. Rodger and M. Mgobozi are thanked. Ezumvelo KZN Wildlife, in particular Dr. I. Rushworth, the Pierce family and Mondi-Shanduka are thanked for permission to work at Midmar Reserve, Midmar farmlands and Gilboa Estate, respectively. Lars Chittka and three anonymous reviewers are thanked for their comments and suggestions. R. Welsford is thanked for his company and support during field work at Gilboa Estate. This study was supported by the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
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Welsford, M.R., Johnson, S.D. Solitary and social bees as pollinators of Wahlenbergia (Campanulaceae): single-visit effectiveness, overnight sheltering and responses to flower colour. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 6, 1–14 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-011-9149-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-011-9149-0