Correction to: J of the Acad Mark Sci

The section “S-D logic axioms: a customer engagement perspective” and author note in the original version of this article contained an oversight from the authors in failing to acknowledge  the contributions of the work by Brodie et al. (2016) in this publication. The corrected paragraph, article note, and reference are shown below:

Citation to Brodie et al. (2016) added (p. 5):

Since its introduction by Vargo and Lusch (2004), S-D logic has been subject to widespread adoption and conceptual refinement. While the original (2004) premises were refined in Vargo and Lusch (2008a), a recent consolidation sees the elevation of four of the premises to axiom status, denoting their core importance for S-D logic (Vargo and Lusch 2016). These authors also develop FP11 (i.e., the fifth S-D logic axiom).We discuss the five axioms from a CE perspective below (Brodie et al. 2016), whilst also considering Vargo and Lusch’s (2016) other S-D logic premises at relevant points throughout this paper.

Acknowledgment added (p. 20):

We acknowledge Professor Rod Brodie, Dr. Julia Fehrer, Dr. Elina Jaakkola, and Dr. Jodie Conduit, for the discussion on engagement and S-D logic axioms (cf Brodie et al. 2016).

Reference added (p. 20):

Brodie, R. J., Fehrer, J., Jaakkola, E., Hollebeek, L., and Conduit, J (2016). From customer to actor engagement: Exploring a broadened conceptual domain. 45th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Oslo, Norway, May 24–27.