Correction to: J. For. Res.

In the original publication, the year mentioned in the references 1 and 4 of the document have two date errors.

The first reference is 2021 and not 2020: Adji BI, Akaffou SD, Kouassi KH, Houphouet YP, Duminil J, Sabatier S (2021) Bioclimate influence on seed germination and seedling morphology parameters in Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir., 1804 (Fabaceae). International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology 6(3):2456–1878.

Then the fourth reference is 2019 and not 2021: Akaffou SD, Kouamé KA, Gore BBN, Abessika YG, Kouassi KH, Hamon P, Sabatier S, Duminil J (2019) Effect of the seeds provenance and treatment on the germination rate and plants growth of four forest trees species of Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Forestry Research 32:161–169.

The original article has been corrected.