1 Erratum to: J. Phase Equilib. Diffus. (2017) 38:351–352 DOI 10.1007/s11669-017-0584-1

The August issue of JPED Vol. 38 contained an error in its Editorial, “The Thermodynamics and Kinetics of High-Entropy Alloys.” The wrong name was given for the primary author of the paper entitled “TCHEA1: A Thermodynamic Database Not Limited for ‘High Entropy’ Alloys.” The correct author’s name is Dr. Huahai Mao. We apologize to Dr. Mao and anyone else affected by this error.

M.C. Gao

National Energy Technology Laboratory/AECOM, OR,

email: Michael.Gao@netl.doe.gov

J.-C. Zhao

Associate Editor

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion

The Ohio State University Columbus, OH,

email: zhao.199@osu.edu

J.E. Morral


Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion

The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,

email: jemorral@gmail.com