Papers are requested for a special Issue of the Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion to honor the memory of Dr. Jack Smith, the Journal’s longtime Editor. Jack’s many friends, colleagues, students, and admirers are invited to contribute to this celebration of his life by submitting articles of their recent work. We welcome any topic suitable for the journal and will carefully review all submissions.

Jack’s dedication to JPED is inspiring, and thus it is appropriate to celebrate his many achievements in a lasting way by creating a special issue of the journal to which he was so devoted. His legacy will be long remembered. Of particular importance to this journal was his visionary move of expanding JPE to JPED to cover diffusion and kinetics.

Authors are encouraged to submit papers as soon as possible, but no later than March 1, 2016. The special issue is targeted for publication in August 2016.

JPED submission procedures and advice on preparing your manuscript, may be found at

Please indicate in your cover letter that you are submitting a contribution to the special issue in honor of Dr. Jack Smith.

Submission deadline: March 1, 2016

For more information, please contact the Journal Editor, John Morral, at