Erratum to: J Therm Spray Tech (2016) 25:1376–1440 DOI 10.1007/s11666-016-0473-x

We regret that the original article contained the following errors and omissions:

  • The following author was not listed: Bertrand Jodoin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

  • The caption for Fig. 2 on page 1378 should read, “Fig. 2 Cross section of single impacts of cold-sprayed Ti-6Al-4V particles on titanium substrate. Example demonstrates that metallurgical bonding by ASI occurs in the particle substrate interfaces providing higher strength as compared to the substrate material.”

  • The caption for Fig. 6 on page 1382 should read, “Fig. 6 Application roadmap of AD method.”

Errors in Figure and Table Numbering

  • On page 1380, section 2.2.4 should read, “Medical applications such as ceramic coatings for dentures and artificial bones have also been studied (Ref 27) (Fig. 6).” It was incorrectly listed as “Fig. 7.”

  • On page 1381, section 2.2.5 should read, “As shown in Fig. 4, clear lattice images with crystal grains sized less than 10 nm across were observed.” It was incorrectly listed as “Fig. 1.”

  • On page 1383 in the first paragraph, the fifth sentence should read, “This method is envisaged to variably change the deposition principle by introducing the thermal effect of the conventional thermal spray process to the AD method such that the HAD method benefits from both of these complimentary technologies (Fig. 7).” It was incorrectly listed as “Fig. 4.”

  • On page 1402, section 3.3.1, in the second paragraph, the seventh sentence should read, “The different types or modes of wear are shown in Fig. 23.” It was incorrectly listed as “Fig. 1.”

  • On page 1422, at the end of the first paragraph, the text should read, “Table 2 summarizes the key applications and components where thermal spray technology is being used.” It was incorrectly printed as “Table 1.”