Spatially resolved X-ray diffraction (SRXRD) is used to map the α → β → α phase transformation in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of commercially pure titanium gas tungsten arc welds. In situ SRXRD experiments were conducted using a 180-µm-diameter X-ray beam at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) (Stanford, CA) to probe the phases present in the HAZ of a 1.9 kW weld moving at 1.1 mm/s. Results of sequential linear X-ray diffraction scans made perpendicular to the weld direction were combined to construct a phase transformation map around the liquid weld pool. This map identifies six HAZ microstructural regions between the liquid weld pool and the base metal: (1) α-Ti that is undergoing annealing and recrystallization; (2) completely recrystallized α-Ti; (3) partially transformed α-Ti, where α-Ti and β-Ti coexist; (4) single-phase β-Ti; (5) back-transformed α-Ti; and (6) recrystallized α-Ti plus back-transformed α-Ti. Although the microstructure consisted predominantly of α-Ti, both prior to and after the weld, the crystallographically textured starting material was altered during welding to produce different α-Ti textures within the resulting HAZ. Based on the travel speed of the weld, the α → β transformation was measured to take 1.83 seconds during heating, while the β → α transformation was measured to take 0.91 seconds during cooling. The α → β transformation was characterized to be dominated by long-range diffusional growth on the leading (heating) side of the weld, while the β → α transformation was characterized to be predominantly massive on the trailing (cooling) side of the weld, with a massive growth rate on the order of 100 µm/s.
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Elmer, J.W., Wong, J. & Ressler, T. Spatially resolved X-ray diffraction phase mapping and α → β → α transformation kinetics in the heat-affected zone of commercially pure titanium arc welds. Metall Mater Trans A 29, 2761–2773 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-998-0317-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-998-0317-5