This work aims to reduce queries on big data to computations on small data, and hence make querying big data possible under bounded resources. A query Q is boundedly evaluable when posed on any big dataset \({\cal D}\), there exists a fraction \({{\cal D}_Q}\) of \({\cal D}\) such that \(Q({\cal D}) = Q({{\cal D}_Q})\), and the cost of identifying \({{\cal D}_Q}\) is independent of the size of \({\cal D}\). It has been shown that with an auxiliary structure known as access schema, many queries in relational algebra (RA) are boundedly evaluable under the set semantics of RA. This paper extends the theory of bounded evaluation to RAaggr, i.e., RA extended with aggregation, under the bag semantics. (1) We extend access schema to bag access schema, to help us identify \({{\cal D}_Q}\) for RAaggr queries Q. (2) While it is undecidable to determine whether an RAaggr query is boundedly evaluable under a bag access schema, we identify special cases that are decidable and practical. (3) In addition, we develop an effective syntax for bounded RAaggr queries, i.e., a core subclass of boundedly evaluable RAaggr queries without sacrificing their expressive power. (4) Based on the effective syntax, we provide efficient algorithms to check the bounded evaluability of RAaggr queries and to generate query plans for bounded RAaggr queries. (5) As proof of concept, we extend PostgreSQL to support bounded evaluation. We experimentally verify that the extended system improves performance by orders of magnitude.
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The authors are supported in part by Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award WRM/R1/180014, ERC 652976, EPSRC EP/M025268/1, Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences, and Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data and Brain Computing.
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Yang Cao received the B. Sc. degree from Beihang University, China. He received the Ph.D. degree from University of Edinburgh, UK. He is a faculty member in the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK. He is the recipient of SIGMOD Research Highlight ward 2018, SIGMOD Best Paper ward 2017, and Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship. His research has been invited to publish in TODS special issues on “Best of SIGMOD 2017” and “Best of PODS 2016”, and in the Computer Journal special issue on “Best of BICOD 2015”.
His research interests include query processing, graph data management and distributed databases.
Wen-Fei Fan received the B. Sc. degree and M.Sc. degree from Peking University China. He received the Ph. D. degree from University of Pennsylvania, USA. He is the Chair of Web Data Management at the University of Edinburgh, UK, the Chief Scientist of Shenzhen Institute of Computing Science, and the Chief Scientist of Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data and Brain Computing, China. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE), a Member of the Academy of Europe (MAE), an ACM Fellow (FACM), and a Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a recipient of Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in 2018, ERC Advanced Fellowship in 2015, the Roger Needham Award, UK in 2008, Yangtze River Scholar, China in 2007, the Outstanding Overseas Young Scholar Award, China in 2003, the Career Award, USA in 2001, and several Test-of-Time and Best Paper Awards USA (Alberto O. Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award of ACM PODS 2015 and 2010, Best Paper Awards for SIGMOD 2017, VLDB 2010, ICDE 2007 and Computer Networks 2002).
His research interests include database theory and systems, in particular big data, data quality, data sharing, distributed query processing, query languages, recommender systems and social media marketing.
Teng-Fei Yuan received the B.Eng. degree from Shandong University China. He is Ph.D. degree cadidate in LFCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh UK.
His research interest is development of BEAS, a system for bounded evaluation of SQL queries.
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Cao, Y., Fan, WF. & Yuan, TF. Bounded Evaluation: Querying Big Data with Bounded Resources. Int. J. Autom. Comput. 17, 502–526 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11633-020-1236-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11633-020-1236-1