1 Correction to: Service Business https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-022-00510-y

The following paragraph is finally deleted from the introductory section of the special issue Female-Driven Social Entrepreneurship in Service Business:

“The research entitled ‘Strategic Female Transnational Digital Entrepreneurship on Service Platforms: A Qualitative Study of Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurs in New Zealand’ is written by Duan and examines strategic female transnational digital entrepreneurship (FTDE). By supplying knowledge, information, technology, markets, and financial capital, digital innovations promote FTDE. Without intermediaries, financial capital is immediately accessible to FTDEs. Additionally, the platforms allow traditional necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs to engage in FTDE as they undergo digital transformation.”

And the following paragraph is added:

The research entitled ‘A Systematic Literature Review of Women in Social Entrepreneurship’ is written by Jeong and Yoo and examines the status of women in social entrepreneurship research through a bibliometric analysis and network analysis of the papers that deal with women in social entrepreneurship published between 1972 and 2021.