Correction to: Sustainability Science

In the original publication of the article, under the case study “Case study 3: Participatory guarantee system to stimulate agroecological transition in Cuba”, the reference “Fernández León 2016” should read “Fernández and León 2016”.

Further, the correct reference should read as below,

Díaz Fernández I, León DE (2016) Gestión Empresarial y Género: Oportunidades y Retos Para Cuba. Economía y Desarrollo 157:39–49.

In addition, the caption of Table 2 was incomplete in the original version of the article. The complete caption of Table 2 should read as follows “Farming approaches that seek sustainable outcomes, in contrast to conventional agriculture. This list is non-exhaustive and aims to capture the dominant lexicon in current use. The scales are adapted from the Dictionary of Agroecology for farming approaches included in the dictionary (INRAE 2022)”.

Finally, the acknowledgment section was not included in the original publication. Acknowledgements are included in this correction.

Acknowledgements Open access publishing was financed by the CGIAR Water, Land and Ecosystems research program.

The original article was updated.