Correction to: Japanese Journal of Radiology

In the original publication the name of the fifth author was incorrectly published as: “Yuuta Yoshimatsu”. The correct author name is Yuta Yoshimatsu as given in this correction.

Under Section: Texture feature extraction, the Reference number should read as [22] and hence, the sentence starting with: “We chose…” should read as:

We chose an axial image slice of arterial and portal phase on the basis of the maximum diameter of the lesion. Texture parameter calculation was performed with the software LIFEx ([22]; version 4.00, available at

In References, Reference [22] should read as:

22. Nioche C, Orlhac F, Boughdad S, Reuzé S, Goya-Outi J, Robert C, et al. LIFEx: a freeware for radiomic feature calculation in multimodality imaging to accelerate advances in the characterization of tumor heterogeneity. Cancer Res. 2018;78(16):4786–9.