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Das Wasser, die Moderne und der Niedergang der bakteriologischen Stadt

Water, modernity and the demise of the bacteriological city

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If we trace the flow of water through the modern metropolis we uncover not only the material networks that bind together urban space but also those institutional and ideological structures that enable a modern city to function effectively. The article explores how the connections between water engineering, bacteriology and the development of new forms of municipal governance in the modern era contributed to the production of a different kind of urban landscape in the service of a far wider public than the uneven diffusion of water technologies in the past. The essay argues that the last thirty years have seen another fundamental alteration in the relationship between water and urban space marked by a fading of the technocratic model of municipal management and the emergence of a diffuse, fragmentary and polarized urban technological scenery.

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Gandy, M. Das Wasser, die Moderne und der Niedergang der bakteriologischen Stadt. Leviathan 33, 522–543 (2005).

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