1 Correction to: Journal of Business Economics https://doi.org/10.1007/s11573-022-01101-z

In the original publication, few corrections were missed and this has been corrected through this correction article as follows:

In the second paragraph, the last sentence should read as: Overviews of discussions of quantitative marketing models can be found in several textbooks, e.g., Franses and Paap (2001), Franses and Mont gomery (2002), Diamantopoulos, Fritz and Hildebrandt (2013), Moutinho and Huarn (2015), and date back to the 1980’s with textbooks of, for example, Maddala (1983) or Lilian and Kotler (1983).

The affiliation of the authors should read as:

1 PD Dr. habil. Friederike Paetz, Scientific Director, Clausthal Executive School, Clausthal University of Technology, Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Str. 7, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, friederike.paetz@tu-clausthal.de

2 Prof. Dr. Winfried J. Steiner, Chair of Management and Marketing, Institute of Management and Economics, Clausthal University of Technology, Julius-Albert-Str. 2, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, winfried.steiner@tu-clausthal.de

3 Prof. Dr. Harald Hruschka, Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany, harald.hruschka@ur.de

Under Heading, Filipe Sengo Furtado, Thomas Reutterer and Nadine Schröder’s article “The carrot and the stick in online reviews: determinants of un/helpfulness voting choices”: the third sentence should read as “Furthermore, reviewers tend to be less critical for lower priced products.”

Under heading References, the first reference should read as:

Akerkar B (2013) Advanced data analytics for business. In: Akerkar B (ed) Big data computing. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 373–397

The following reference has been removed:

Ben Akiva ME, Lerman SR (1985) Discrete choice analysis: Theory and application to travel demand. MIT Press, Massachusetts,)

The following reference has been added:

Lilien GL, Kotler P (1983) Marketing decision making—a model-building approach. Harper and Row, New York

The last reference should read as:

Šikšnys L, Pedersen TB (2016) Prescriptive analytics. In: Liu L, Özsu M (eds) Encyclopedia of database systems. Springer, New York