While risk management has been of fundamental interest to researchers and practitioners alike during the last decade, its limitations in today’s dynamically changing business environment become more and more obvious. A growing body of literature encourages and supports a clear differentiation between risk management and risk governance. Our contribution addresses the definition of risk governance from a general perspective. We do not intend to focus on a specific industry like financial institutions, but rather develop a more generic approach. By establishing the added benefits of a risk governance approach vis-a-vis corporate governance and risk management, we will develop a theoretical foundation covering a conceptual understanding and implicating major tasks. Risk governance bridges corporate governance and risk management and is fully aligned with the objective of long-term value optimization of companies. We will conclude by sketching out the risk governance research agenda ahead.
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Stein, V., Wiedemann, A. Risk governance: conceptualization, tasks, and research agenda. J Bus Econ 86, 813–836 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11573-016-0826-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11573-016-0826-4