Correction to: Contemporary Islam

The original version of this article contained a number of editorial mistakes in the main body text.

Under the section ‘Exploring Singaporean Malay-Muslim Women’s Health Narratives’:

Fourth paragraph: Within Singapore, Liang et. al (2018) study that compares ….. (there should be an apostrophe after Liang et. al.). The corrected sentence is shown below.

Within Singapore, Liang et al.’s (2018) study that compares health-related quality of life in five domains (mobility, self-care, usual activities, anxiety and pain) between residents living in rental flats (low-area SES) and those in owner-occupied blocks (high-area SES) has shown that staying in a low SES neighbourhood is characterised by a disproportionate number of residents coming from the minority race, more self-reported mental health issues, enhanced physical health problems and financial disadvantage in healthcare.

Under the section ‘Data collection’:

Second last sentence: Please change ‘discussions’ to ‘interviews’. The corrected sentence is shown below.

The interviews were conducted by a research assistant in English and Malay and lasted approximately an hour. They were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim.

Under the section ‘Influence of Traditional Gender Roles on Health’:

First paragraph: Additionally, among those who neither have a history of chronic illness nor have family who have chronic conditions, only one of five women who is currently single, observe an active lifestyle (shouldn’t it be ‘observes’ instead of ‘observe’ since we are only referring to only one woman?). The corrected sentence is shown below.

Additionally, among those who neither have a history of chronic illness nor have family who have chronic conditions, only one of five women who is currently single, observes an active lifestyle.

Under the ‘Discussion’ section:

Fifth paragraph: del Mar Garcia-Calvente et. al. (2012) qualitative study (there should be an apostrophe after et. al.).The corrected sentence is shown below.

For example, del Mar García-Calvente et al.’s (2012) qualitative study, which analyses perceptions of men and women in Granada, Spain towards their health, vulnerability and coping levels with illness also demonstrates unequal gender relationships among married couples and how these influenced the way they perceive their health.

Under the ‘Acknowledgements’ section:

Replace ‘Nurul Insyira’ with her full name: ‘Nurul Insyira Muhammad Razali’. The corrected acknowledgements section is shown below.