Correction to: La Radiologia Medica

In the original publication of the article, reference [9] was published incorrectly. The correct reference is given below:

9. Ferraro DA, Becker AS, Kranzbühler B, Mebert I, Baltensperger A, Zeimpekis KG, Grünig H, Messerli M, Rupp NJ, Rueschoff JH, Mortezavi A, Donati OF, Sapienza MT, Eberli D, Burger IA (2021) Diagnostic performance of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI-guided biopsy in patients with suspected prostate cancer: a prospective single-center study. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 48(10):3315–3324.

The original article has been corrected.