In addition to proceedings and reports of scientific meetings (Triennial conferences, Section meetings of the EAPR), Potato Research publishes original papers on fundamental and applied research on potato and review papers on all aspects of potato science. In the past, Potato Research also published papers reporting on provisional or preliminary results (‘Short communications’) and subject surveys (‘Topics of General Interest’). As part of its editorial policy, the Editorial Board no longer stimulates the publication of Short communications (they were usually more preliminary than short). Publications in the category Topics of General Interest became rare and that can be regretted. Older volumes of Potato Research contain some excellent examples of the category Topics of General Interest and these papers fitted perfectly well within the scope of the journal Potato Research, i.e., a crop journal for a broad readership with different scientific and professional backgrounds.

One way to stimulate the publication of survey papers in a format which is in line with current practice of many scientific journals and not too demanding on the authors and the readers is the introduction of the category ‘Minireview’. Writing a minireview gives authors the opportunity to compile a concise, timely and topical literature review with a clear focus and message. This message may include new hypotheses, new insights or specific opinions obtained by rethinking and interpreting the literature from a new angle. Minireviews provide readers the opportunity of catching up with a particular topic in an effective way and learn about the latest developments in the insights and opinions regarding that topic. Consequently, it is rewarding to write or read a minireview, and minireviews are often frequently cited.

Potato Research has invited several authors to submit a minireview. The first examples are published in this issue of Potato Research. Potato Research 53 (2010) will contain another set. We hope that this will stimulate other authors to submit minireviews to Potato Research and that this type of publications will contribute to the interest in and impact of the journal.

P.C. Struik
