It is the beginning of a new year and I hope you are doing well! This issue of the TechTrends starts volume 67 of the journal and this volume year will continue with the pattern from the last few years of having three regular issues and three special issues. There also will be some interesting special sections within some of the regular issues. This current issue includes some of our regular columns, like The History Corner, Book Reviews, Rethinking Creativity and Technology in Education, and Graduate Member Musings. The current issue, the January 2023 issue, is a special issue from the AECT Organizational Training and Performance Division. The issue was guest edited by Dr. Nancy B. Hastings of the University of West Florida and Jennifer A. Bauman of GP Strategies. I really appreciate their hard work, dedication, and professionalism. You can read about the original papers in the issue in their Guest Editors’ Notes.

As always, if you are interested in submitting a manuscript to TechTrends, or if you want to be a reviewer, please contact me. Encourage your colleagues to submit their work to TechTrends, to read TechTrends, and to consider joining AECT! If you have a question about the journal, my phone number is 912–478-0497 and my email address is Email is the best way to reach me. Also, you can follow TechTrends on Twitter: @AECTTechTrends.