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The boundary of source materials for recent Chinese history and the integrity of historiography: With reference to the compilation and publication of relevant historical materials

  • Research Article
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Frontiers of History in China


With a dramatic expansion in quantity and variety, the amount of recent history source materials has surpassed the sum total of those available for all earlier dynasties. At the same time, compared with the case in ancient history study, the obscure boundary of source materials has made it difficult for historians to locate and obtain what they need for their research. Since it is impossible to exhaust or to ascertain the boundary of relevant sources, scholars either retreat into narrower fields or make arbitrary interpretations of materials, both contributing to the loss of orientation in historical study, and, for that matter, eroding the integrity of historiography. Historians must, first and foremost, acquire a comprehensive understanding of the discipline before they can undertake studies on any particular subject, which is the proper way to conduct historical study and to avoid short-sightedness or a tunnel vision of the scene. The author of this paper believes that it is urgent to resolve the dilemma in preserving and utilizing source materials by publishing as many materials as possible efficiently so that scholars on recent Chinese history can stand on an equal footing as far as materials are concerned. Only in this way will they be able to undertake deeper investigations, to uncover the complex correlation between source materials and historical study, and ultimately, to contribute to recent history study as a whole.


晚近史料的种类与数量大幅度扩张, 规模大大超过历代文献的总和, 而搜集阅读之难, 逾于古史, 史料的保存状况之劣, 也在古籍之上。 在史料不可能竭泽而渔, 甚至难以把握边际的情况下, 学人或分门别类, 缩短战线, 或随意比附, 看朱成碧。 前者畛域自囿, 后者隔义附会, 使得晚近历史研究的整体性逐渐流失, 盲目性不断增大。 治史须先因后创, 由博返约, 先识大体, 胸有成竹, 才能庖丁解牛, 以免盲人摸象, 坐井观天, 甚至指鹿为马。 要想改变晚近史料收藏与利用的两难, 恢复史学应有的整体性, 当务之急, 必须解开收藏、 研究、 出版各界相互制约的连环套, 多快好省地大规模出版各类文献资料, 使得学人处于大体平等的资料条件基础之上, 促使其将重心由看得到转向读得懂, 由借助外力条理史料转向理解文本史事的内在联系, 并且因缘史料的繁多, 探究进一步处理史料与史学复杂关系的良法, 从而化弊为利, 改善提升研究的格局与水准, 以求在深度与广度上超越古史。

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Correspondence to Bing Sang.

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Translated by Jin Xueqin from Lishi Yanjiu 历史研究 (Historical Research), 2008, (4): 168–180

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Sang, B. The boundary of source materials for recent Chinese history and the integrity of historiography: With reference to the compilation and publication of relevant historical materials. Front. Hist. China 4, 510–536 (2009).

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