Inspired by Freire’s principle of dialogue, in this article we present a series of dialogues and critical syntheses between a science teacher-researcher with 35 years of experience and an early-career science teacher-researcher. We explore being in-between academic research in science education and high school teaching. Following Anzaldúa’s conceptualization, this site is characterized as a Borderland, with potentialities and challenges, capable of producing displacements in both spaces. Through an exploration of our trajectories, we dialogue about recognition, our identities as teachers-researchers, and ways of doing research and teaching that aligns with demands for social justice in science education. We also explore how our praxis helps in resisting accountability in education, privileging artisanal work and collective reflection.
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We use quotations here to express that there are differences between universities and institutes, including with regard to teaching load, which is higher at the institutes. However, the careers (wages and benefits) are much alike.
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This manuscript is a part of the special issue Reflecting on Freire: A praxis of radical love and critical hope for science education, guest edited by Betzabe Torres Olave, Sara Tolbert, and Alejandra Frausto Aceves.
Lead Editor: B. Torres-Olave, S. Tolbert, A. Frausto Aceves.
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Moura, C.B., Guerra, A. Dwelling in borderlands: a conversation between two science teachers-researchers. Cult Stud of Sci Educ 18, 257–275 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-023-10166-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-023-10166-3