Correction to: Journal of Natural Medicines

In the original publication of the article, under the section “Use of traditional herbal medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic and its antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2”, on third paragraph, the mathematical symbol was published incorrectly as “≤”. The correct symbol should read as “>” in the following occurrence “IC50 of > 100 µM”.

Further, in Table 4, EC50 value (µM) of a compound (glycyrrhizin) was published incorrectly as 53.46. The correct value is 534.6.

Finally, under the section “Identified medicinal plants and their active compounds against SARS‑CoV‑2”, on the following sentence “On the other hand, ouabain reportedly showed the antiviral activity …”, CC50 value of ouabain was published incorrectly as 416.66 µM. The correct value is > 10 µM.