The South China Sea (SCS) has been an area of contention among strong powers and weak states since the release of the 1968 UN geological survey indicating this region’s rich resource potential. The disputes among China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines have made the US concerned about regional peace and stability, though the US has no territorial claims there. At the center of this drama has been China’s assertive pose and the counter-moves of the US. Taiwan has also played a crucial role; nevertheless, most studies pay little attention to the crucial role it has played in the SCS disputes. This study explores what role Taiwan has played in the game of the SCS maritime dispute. After a brief introduction to the SCS dispute, this study examines Taiwan’s consideration and explores its policy variation between the former Ma Ying-jeou government and the new Tsai Ing-wen government after May 2016.
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Lee, Wc. Taiwan, the South China Sea Dispute, and the 2016 Arbitration Decision. J OF CHIN POLIT SCI 22, 229–250 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11366-017-9470-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11366-017-9470-2