In recent years, the People’s Republic of China has made significant investments in Antarctica and has become an active participant in Antarctic governance. What factors are driving China’s interest in the region? Are Antarctic Treaty System institutions, rules and norms influencing Chinese behavior? How does Antarctica fit into larger Chinese foreign policy frameworks, especially those that relate to ‘soft power’ and engagement in global environmental governance? This study finds that Antarctic governance structures do not seem to pose major barriers to China’s pursuit of its larger foreign policy interests and its activities are largely consistent with other major actors on the Continent.
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Harrington, J. China, Global Ecopolitics and Antarctic Governance: Converging Paths?. J OF CHIN POLIT SCI 22, 37–56 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11366-016-9430-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11366-016-9430-2