Although there are a number of studies in the literature that have explored the effect of environmental degradation on the subjective well-being and life satisfaction, no previous study has addressed the role of renewable energy consumption in examining the effect of environmental degradation on self-reported health. To this end, we employ a conditional mixed process (CMP) model, using a unique dataset that combines both micro-level data from the 6th (2010–2014) and 7th (2017–2022) Waves of the World Values Survey (WVS) database and macro-level data from the World Bank. Our study has several important empirical findings. First, while environmental degradation deteriorates self-reported health, social capital and health expenditure have a positive impact on self-reported health. Second, the share of renewable energy consumption in total final energy consumption has a statistically significant negative impact on environmental degradation. Third, urbanization has a deteriorating effect on environmental quality and the total number of people increases environmental degradation.
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The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the World Values Survey (https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/wvs.jsp) and the World Development Indicators database (https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators).
Self-reported health (srh) is rated on a 4-point scale (ranging from 1, “very good” to 4, “poor”) in WVS wave 6. However, it is rated on a 5-point scale (ranging from 1, “very good” to 5, “very poor” in WVS wave 7. In order to achieve the consistency between the two waves, the original answers were reverse-coded.
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A1. List of countries-wave 6 | |||||
Wave | Country name | Country node | Freq | Percent | Cum |
6 | Algeria | ALG | 1183 | 3.29 | 3.29 |
6 | Armenia | ARM | 1098 | 3.05 | 6.34 |
6 | Azerbaijan | AZE | 1002 | 2.78 | 9.12 |
6 | Belarus | BLR | 1514 | 4.21 | 13.33 |
6 | Estonia | EST | 1530 | 4.25 | 17.58 |
6 | Ghana | GHA | 1552 | 4.31 | 21.9 |
6 | Georgia | GRG | 1202 | 3.34 | 25.24 |
6 | India | IND | 4042 | 11.23 | 36.47 |
6 | Kyrgyz Republic | KYR | 1498 | 4.16 | 40.64 |
6 | Morocco | MOR | 1199 | 3.33 | 43.97 |
6 | New Zealand | NEW | 816 | 2.27 | 46.24 |
6 | Netherlands | NTH | 1889 | 5.25 | 51.49 |
6 | Poland | POL | 966 | 2.68 | 54.17 |
6 | Qatar | QAT | 1053 | 2.93 | 57.1 |
6 | Rwanda | RWA | 1527 | 4.24 | 61.34 |
6 | South Africa | SAF | 3529 | 9.81 | 71.15 |
6 | Singapore | SIN | 1938 | 5.39 | 76.53 |
6 | Slovenia | SLV | 1068 | 2.97 | 79.5 |
6 | Spain | SPN | 1187 | 3.3 | 82.8 |
6 | Sweden | SWD | 1203 | 3.34 | 86.15 |
6 | Trinidad and Tobago | TRI | 998 | 2.77 | 88.92 |
6 | Ukraine | UKR | 1488 | 4.14 | 93.05 |
6 | Uruguay | URU | 999 | 2.78 | 95.83 |
6 | Zimbabwe | ZIM | 1500 | 4.17 | 100 |
Total | 24 countries | 35,981 | 100 |
A2. List of countries-wave 7 | |||||
Wave | Country name | Country code | Freq | Percent | Cum |
7 | Argentina | ARG | 1001 | 1.97 | 1.97 |
7 | Australia | AUL | 1780 | 3.51 | 5.48 |
7 | Bangladesh | BNG | 1200 | 2.36 | 7.84 |
7 | Bolivia | BOL | 2066 | 4.07 | 11.91 |
7 | Brazil | BRA | 1756 | 3.46 | 15.37 |
7 | Chile | CHL | 999 | 1.97 | 17.34 |
7 | China | CHN | 3033 | 5.97 | 23.31 |
7 | Colombia | COL | 1520 | 2.99 | 26.31 |
7 | Cyprus | CYP | 999 | 1.97 | 28.28 |
7 | Ecuador | ECU | 1199 | 2.36 | 30.64 |
7 | Egypt, Arab Rep | EGY | 1200 | 2.36 | 33 |
7 | Germany | GMY | 1525 | 3 | 36.01 |
7 | Greece | GRC | 1196 | 2.36 | 38.36 |
7 | Indonesia | INS | 3200 | 6.3 | 44.67 |
7 | Iraq | IRQ | 1200 | 2.36 | 47.03 |
7 | Jordan | JOR | 1202 | 2.37 | 49.4 |
7 | Japan | JPN | 1341 | 2.64 | 52.04 |
7 | Kazakhstan | KZK | 1262 | 2.49 | 54.52 |
7 | Lebanon | LEB | 1200 | 2.36 | 56.89 |
7 | Malaysia | MAL | 1313 | 2.59 | 59.48 |
7 | Mexico | MEX | 1737 | 3.42 | 62.9 |
7 | Nigeria | NIG | 1235 | 2.43 | 65.33 |
7 | Pakistan | PAK | 1984 | 3.91 | 69.24 |
7 | Peru | PER | 1400 | 2.76 | 72 |
7 | Philippines | PHI | 1199 | 2.36 | 74.36 |
7 | Korea, Rep | ROK | 1245 | 2.45 | 76.81 |
7 | Romania | ROM | 1235 | 2.43 | 79.24 |
7 | Russian Federation | RUS | 1804 | 3.55 | 82.8 |
7 | Serbia | SRB | 1042 | 2.05 | 84.85 |
7 | Thailand | THI | 1496 | 2.95 | 87.8 |
7 | Tunisia | TUN | 1203 | 2.37 | 90.17 |
7 | Turkiye | TUR | 2405 | 4.74 | 94.9 |
7 | United States | USA | 2587 | 5.1 | 100 |
Total | 33 countries | 50,764 | 100 |
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Yildirim, J., Alpaslan, B., Karakas-Aydinbakar, A. et al. The effect of environmental degradation on self-reported health: the role of renewable energy consumption. Environ Sci Pollut Res 31, 343–356 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-30981-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-30981-z