What strikes most when we think of Geoff is his sparkling energy: it not by chance that ATP is pure energy.

However, it doesn’t matter what he did for a living, what kind of research he pursued (purinergic signalling for ever and ever), the number of invited lectures that he delivered (remarkably copious), the students that he personally trained (over one hundred), the editorial appointments (over sixty different peer-reviewed journals), professional honors (astonishingly numerous) and grants (totaling over £18 million) that he received, or the papers that he published (over fifteen hundred), or the scientists that he inspired (unsurprisingly uncountable).

What amazes most about Geoff is how fully he lived his life, how wisely he searched the intense and deep sense of nature in his art and science, how faithfully he invested in friendly and professional relationships.

For those who didn’t have the honor and pleasure of knowing Geoff personally, this is what we will always miss, remember and cherish about Geoff.

Ciao Geoff

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