The phrase “big data” refers to the kinds of data that challenge existing analytical methods due to size, complexity, or rate of availability. The challenges in managing and analyzing “big data” can require fundamentally new techniques and technologies in order to handle the size, complexity, or rate of availability of these data. The cyber-physical system (CPS) has been coming into our view and will be applied in our daily life and business process management. The emerging CPS must be robust and responsive for its implementation in coordinated, distributed, and connected ways. It is expected that future CPS will far exceed today’s systems on a variety of characteristics, for example, capability, adaptability, resiliency, safety, security, and usability. With the rapid development of computing and sensing technologies, such as ubiquitous wireless sensor networks, the amount of data from dissimilar sensors and social media has increased tremendously.

The submitted manuscripts were reviewed by experts from both academia and industry. After two rounds of reviewing, the highest quality manuscripts were accepted for this special issue.