A sustainable planet Earth is the best form of national and international security for humanity. Countries engage in many activities that are necessary for national security. Education is necessary for national security. Health care is essential for national security. Agriculture and potable water are necessary for national security. Research, innovation, and industry are necessary for national security. Communications are necessary for national security. Transportation infrastructure is necessary for national security. Energy production and distribution grids are necessary for national security. Stable governance is necessary for national security. Justice and law enforcement systems are essential for nationals security. Transparent and stable financial systems are necessary for national security. Trade is part of our national security. And in our oil addicted world, oil is currently an immense part of national security. National security does not solely depend on spy agencies, police forces, weapons, and the military. Most activities in a country are part of an interconnected, complex web of activities all necessary for national security.

Most countries produce immense amounts of pollution. Pollution is however counterproductive to national and international security even though many people are employed producing pollution and trying to solve pollution problems. Some may even argue that an increasing human population is part of their national security.

National and international security is best achieved by decreasing the amount of pollution spewed into the biosphere and controlling human population growth. Since pollution ignores national boundaries, it eventually has polluted the entire biosphere. Both national and international security are not possible when countries cannot agree to legally binding environmental standards. However, both national and international securities are much easier to implement when humans conserve resources, decrease pollution, reduce human population growth, cooperate, end conflicts and wars, and function as an international community instead of manufacturing weapons and engaging in conflicts. If an age of enlightenment was ever needed, it is now. The current manner in which many humans and countries engage their environment and each other will never lead to national and international security.

The lack of national and international security can mostly be attributed to the actions of the male gender and their primitive ways of interacting with each other. For some evolutionary reason, many of them have not evolved to the stage where they can act for the betterment of humanity. Instead they remain intent on terrorism, conflicts, and other primitive discriminating activities that violate every basic human right and all that is good and decent in the world. They are primitive and one can only hope their gene pool and attitudes are not passed on to future generations. They are obstacles to humanity. History and humanity have already judged them as being on the wrong side of the equation.

Pollution is a major contributor to the lack of international security. Multinational, national, and international accords are difficult to agree on. Resource conflicts and wars are common. The pollution of our singular, common biosphere with too many humans and atmospheric pollution has tipped the Earth to a global warming crisis with no agreed upon international solutions. And countries continue to weaponize driven by irrational beliefs of national security. As human species, too many mistakes have been made mostly by males that have brought our planet to its current state. The truth is out—there is no national or international security on an overpopulated, polluted Earth with many humans acting the way they currently do. National and international security is a less polluted biosphere with fewer humans than we currently have, engaged in activities that promote humanity. Pollution, greed, corruption, and conflicts will not produce a secure planet.