What is the story of an image? What is the relationship between pictures, language, and information we can extract using state of the art computational recognition systems? In an attempt to address both of these questions, we explore methods for retrieving and generating natural language descriptions for images. Ideally, we would like our generated textual descriptions (captions) to both sound like a person wrote them, and also remain true to the image content. To do this we develop data-driven approaches for image description generation, using retrieval-based techniques to gather either: (a) whole captions associated with a visually similar image, or (b) relevant bits of text (phrases) from a large collection of image + description pairs. In the case of (b), we develop optimization algorithms to merge the retrieved phrases into valid natural language sentences. The end result is two simple, but effective, methods for harnessing the power of big data to produce image captions that are altogether more general, relevant, and human-like than previous attempts.
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Support of the 2011 JHU-CLSP Summer Workshop Program. Tamara L. Berg and Kota Yamaguchi were supported in part by NSF CAREER IIS-1054133; Hal Daumé III and Amit Goyal were partially supported by NSF Award IIS-1139909.
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Ordonez, V., Han, X., Kuznetsova, P. et al. Large Scale Retrieval and Generation of Image Descriptions. Int J Comput Vis 119, 46–59 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-015-0840-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-015-0840-y