Detecting independent objects in images and videos is an important perceptual grouping problem. One common perceptual grouping cue that can facilitate this objective is the cue of contour closure, reflecting the spatial coherence of objects in the world and their projections as closed boundaries separating figure from background. Detecting contour closure in images consists of finding a cycle of disconnected contour fragments that separates an object from its background. Searching the entire space of possible groupings is intractable, and previous approaches have adopted powerful perceptual grouping heuristics, such as proximity and co-curvilinearity, to constrain the search. We introduce a new formulation of the problem, by transforming the problem of finding cycles of contour fragments to finding subsets of superpixels whose collective boundary has strong edge support (few gaps) in the image. Our cost function, a ratio of a boundary gap measure to area, promotes spatially coherent sets of superpixels. Moreover, its properties support a global optimization procedure based on parametric maxflow. Extending closure detection to videos, we introduce the concept of spatiotemporal closure. Analogous to image closure, we formulate our spatiotemporal closure cost over a graph of spatiotemporal superpixels. Our cost function is a ratio of motion and appearance discontinuity measures on the boundary of the selection to an internal homogeneity measure of the selected spatiotemporal volume. The resulting approach automatically recovers coherent components in images and videos, corresponding to objects, object parts, and objects with surrounding context, providing a good set of multiscale hypotheses for high-level scene analysis. We evaluate both our image and video closure frameworks by comparing them to other closure detection approaches, and find that they yield improved performance.
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The contour image takes the form of a globalPb image (Maire et al. 2008).
While spatial coherence is promoted, it is not guaranteed. Since minimizing Eq. (3) can occasionally result in disconnected sets of superpixels, we further guarantee connectedness by selecting the largest-area connected component of X.
See the Approach Overview section at http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~babalex/SpatiotemporalClosure/supplementary_material.html for a graphical overview of the method.
See the Superpixel Extraction section at http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~babalex/SpatiotemporalClosure/supplementary_material.html for a better visualization of superpixel extraction and comparison with the original Turbopixels approach.
Matlab code for our method is available at http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~babalex/closure_code.tgz.
SC can be tuned (see Fig. 9) to perform better for K=1 at a small expense of performance for higher K’s.
For WSD, there are three ground truth segmentations per image. If we instead choose the closest of the three ground truth segmentations per image (as opposed to taking the average), our score on WSD improves to 88.76 %.
Supplementary material (http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~babalex/closure_supplementary.tgz) contains the results of our algorithm for all the images in both datasets.
See the Results at http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~babalex/SpatiotemporalClosure/supplementary_material.html for a video visualization of the results.
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We thank Allan Jepson for discussion about closure cost functions and optimization procedures, and Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov for providing their parametric maxflow implementation. This work was supported in part by the European Commission under a Marie Curie Excellence Grant MCEXT-025481 (Cristian Sminchisescu), CNCSIS-UEFISCU under project number PN II- RU-RC-2/2009 (Cristian Sminchisescu), CNCSIS-UEFISCU under project number PN II- RU-RC-2/2009 (Cristian Sminchisescu), NSERC (Alex Levinshtein, Sven Dickinson), MITACS (Alex Levinshtein), and DARPA (Sven Dickinson).
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Levinshtein, A., Sminchisescu, C. & Dickinson, S. Optimal Image and Video Closure by Superpixel Grouping. Int J Comput Vis 100, 99–119 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-012-0527-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-012-0527-6