The 8th congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC8) was held in Brussels from April 15th to 17st 2009. Despite a deep worldwide economic crisis and a hitherto unknown sales crisis in the automotive industry and its subtracting manufacturers, the conference enjoyed large interest and attracted more than 200 participants from 24 countries with a large participation from industry. In five half-day sessions the recent technological developments and achievements in using heterogeneous catalysis for controlling air pollution from mobile sources were presented. As usual for a CAPoC conference, large room was conceded to discussions. Many of the posters were subject to a short oral pleading as well.

CAPoC8 was held only two and a half years after CAPoC7. We followed herewith the advice of the industrial representatives in our scientific advisory board to keep pace with the further tightening of the legislation and with the need to comply with it. The general appraisal seems to be that despite major efforts in developing alternative technologies, fuel-powered vehicles will continue dominating the normal street scene for many years. With this in mind, heterogeneous catalysis remains in the primary focus to control and decrease pollutant emissions.

As usual, the proceedings presented in this special issue of the “Topics in Catalysis” make no difference between oral and poster contributions. On the whole, 78 papers have been accepted for publication after an initial submission of 150 extended abstracts.

The Editors are indebted to the members of the organising committee and the scientific advisory board. Their expertise was simply priceless to ensure the high scientific quality of contributions and to provide the meeting a discussion-oriented format.

We would also like to thank G. Hörmandinger (European Commission, Environment Directive-General, Brussels, Belgium) and Tim Johnson (Corning Incorporated) for their excellent lectures during the introductory session on “EU policy to combat health and climate threats from on-road traffic” (G.H.) and “Technical achievements and future challenges in automotive pollution control” (T. J.)

We are indebted to all co-workers, members and friends of the Chair of “Chemical Physics of Materials” in the Chemistry Department at the Université Libre de Bruxelles for helping us run CAPoC8 successfully. Special thanks are due to Adam Bundhoo for designing the CAPoC8 web page and for various technical help.

The Organisers

N. Kruse (Chairman)

T. Visart de Bocarmé (Secretary)

A. Frennet (Honorary Chairman)

J. M. Bastin (Treasurer)