Correction to: Synthese (2023) 202:155

Unfortunately, in this article the author’s name Guido Cassinadri was incorrectly written as Guido Cassinandri.

A mistake was also introduced in a quote in Sect. 2.2.

Thus, according to Clowes, Brainbound theorists get the limits of the agent wrong and in so doing can miss interesting aspects of the total agent […] The Extended theorist is interested in the wider ensemble of human.

 + that is, the agent plus the motley collection of equipment which has been densely incorporated (and some of that which is only shallowly incorporated too). (Clowes, 2013, p. 128)

should be

Thus, according to Clowes, Brainbound theorists get the limits of the agent wrong and in so doing can miss interesting aspects of the total agent […] The Extended theorist is interested in the wider ensemble of human + that is, the agent plus the motley collection of equipment which has been densely incorporated (and some of that which is only shallowly incorporated too). (Clowes, 2013, p. 128)

The original article has been corrected.