In common with many other countries, the Iranian science curriculum does not introduce primary children to atoms and molecules but instead leaves the teaching of these concepts until high school. This paper challenges this practice and describes the changes in elementary Iranian children’s understanding of atoms and molecules following a 10-h teaching intervention about basic atomic-molecular theory, derived from recently published Australian research. The participants involved in this study are a group of 25 Iranian children aged 9 to 12 years old, who participated in a vacation summer school where they were taught about the structure of atoms and molecules. Thematic and content analysis of children’s written responses and drawings before and after the intervention reveal significant changes in their conceptual thinking. The results also show the extent to which the children can generate microscopic representations of the states of matter from their understanding of atoms and molecules.
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Appendix 1
Appendix 2
(a) The coding scheme for atomic structure, adapted from Stevens et al. (2010), and applied to the post responses of children O and H. (Translated from Farsi)
A coding score of 1 = concept evident, 0 = concept not evident. Italicized words have been added to contextualize the children’s answers.
(b) The coding scheme for molecular structure and applied to the Post responses of children L and Q.
Appendix 3
Analysis of Post Data for Atoms
The preliminary Guttman scaling process of the coded concepts of atoms revealed two distinct groups of concepts. McNemar’s tests show that these two groups are statistically different from each other. The groups are:
Group 1: (a2) atoms are made of components, (a3) atoms contain electrons, (a4) atoms contain protons
Group 2: (a5) protons are in the nucleus, (a6) electrons are on the outside of the nucleus, (a7) nucleus in the centre, (a8) electrons are in shells, (a9) Bohr/solar system (drawn)
For example, the cross-tab for (a3) “atoms contain electrons” and (a8) “electrons are in shells” is shown in Table 7. The off-diagonal total is 10, and McNemar’s test gives a mid-p value of .001 and large effect size (.63), meaning that (a3) and (a8) are statistically different and (a8) subsumes (a3).
It is expected that the group 1 concepts would be statistically different from (a1) “atoms are spherical/circles”, but McNemar’s tests do not clearly enable this distinction to be made. These tests for (a1) with the proton concept (a4) gave a mid-p value .015 and a large effect size of .49, and with the electron concept (a3) resulted in a mid-p value of .062 and effect size of .40. These results suggests the likelihood of type 11 errors.
Inconclusive results also arise for the placement of the charge concepts and the neutrons concepts. Removing these concepts from the Guttman analysis gives a clearer indication of how the concepts might be meaningfully combined. For clarity, we also did not include the size concepts as it is possible that the five students who could not describe electrons or protons may have either guessed that electrons and protons are smaller than atoms, and the four students who identified that electrons and protons were in the atom and were unclear about their relative sizes, may have held the misconception that the proton was the atom and electrons moved in the space around the atom.
Table 8 shows the modified Guttman analysis, and from this, we constructed three atom model levels, noting that the difference in difficulty between level 1 and level 2 cannot be confirmed. Students were only allocated to a particular level if most of the level concepts could be clearly identified in their drawings and written responses. Consequently, students Y, P, A and H were assigned to level 2 rather than level 3 in (a) and (b). This means that the constructs for level 2 shown in Table 9 are minimum features that were identified in the data. Students in these groups may also have included information about neutrons and their location, charge of electrons and protons and their sizes relative to atoms.
Analysis of Post Data for Molecules
The Guttman analysis of the molecule coded data (Table 10) followed the same process as for the analysis of the atom data. Concept (m2), molecules are bigger than atoms, was removed as McNemar tests could not clearly differentiate it from concepts (m1) and (m3).
Three molecule model levels were constructed from concepts as shown in Table 11 combined to form level 2 as shown in Table 8. McNemar’s tests revealed a statistical difference between level 1 and level 2 (mid-p = .032, effect size = .46 (medium-large)) and level 2 and level 3 (mid-p = .015, effect size = .49 (medium-large)).
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Baji, F., Haeusler, C. Introducing Iranian Primary Children to Atoms and Molecules. Res Sci Educ 52, 1387–1418 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-021-10008-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-021-10008-8