For students to be successful in school chemistry, a strong sense of self-efficacy is essential. Chemistry self-efficacy can be defined as students’ beliefs about the extent to which they are capable of performing specific chemistry tasks. According to Bandura (Psychol. Rev. 84:191–215, 1977), students acquire information about their level of self-efficacy from four sources: performance accomplishments, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. No published studies have investigated how instructional strategies in chemistry lessons can provide students with positive experiences with these four sources of self-efficacy information and how the instructional strategies promote students’ chemistry self-efficacy. In this study, questionnaire items were constructed to measure student perceptions about instructional strategies, termed efficacy-enhancing teaching, which can provide positive experiences with the four sources of self-efficacy information. Structural equation modeling was then applied to test a hypothesized mediation model, positing that efficacy-enhancing teaching positively affects students’ chemistry self-efficacy through their use of deep learning strategies such as metacognitive control strategies. A total of 590 chemistry students at nine secondary schools in Hong Kong participated in the survey. The mediation model provided a good fit to the student data. Efficacy-enhancing teaching had a direct effect on students’ chemistry self-efficacy. Efficacy-enhancing teaching also directly affected students’ use of deep learning strategies, which in turn affected students’ chemistry self-efficacy. The implications of these findings for developing secondary school students’ chemistry self-efficacy are discussed.
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Cheung, D. The Combined Effects of Classroom Teaching and Learning Strategy Use on Students’ Chemistry Self-Efficacy. Res Sci Educ 45, 101–116 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-014-9415-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-014-9415-0