Erratum to: Qual Life Res DOI 10.1007/s11136-010-9658-9

There were errors in the SF-12 scoring parameters specified in the last paragraph of page 4 in the original publication, and consequently in the two equations following the remainder of the paragraph, on page 5.

The correct values and equations are shown here.

p. 4, last para, line 2: ‘3.4296’ should be ‘3.2759’

p. 4, last para, line 3: ‘0.59965’ should be ‘0.54945’

p. 4, last para, line 4: ‘3.9489’ should be ‘3.8956’

p. 4, last para, line 4: ‘0.69260’ should be ‘0.67927’

The equations on page 5 should read:

SF12PCS = 50 + (SF12PCS − 3.2759) × 10/0.54945

SF12MCS = 50 + (SF12MCS − 3.8956) × 10/0.67927