This paper presents new methods for synthesizing results from subgroup and moderation analyses across different randomized trials. We demonstrate that such a synthesis generally results in additional power to detect significant moderation findings above what one would find in a single trial. Three general methods for conducting synthesis analyses are discussed, with two methods, integrative data analysis and parallel analyses, sharing a large advantage over traditional methods available in meta-analysis. We present a broad class of analytic models to examine moderation effects across trials that can be used to assess their overall effect and explain sources of heterogeneity, and present ways to disentangle differences across trials due to individual differences, contextual level differences, intervention, and trial design.
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Our argument below provides a partial justification due to space; the complete proof involves formulas for power based on noncentrality parameters, which in turn depend on sample size.
The development in this part of the text is limited to interactions involving a binary covariate. The power for detecting a linear interaction with a continuous baseline measure can be compared to that of the main effect once a common calibration of “effect size” is established. Our choice is to scale the treatment variable to have the same variance as that of the continuous variable. The regression coefficient of the interaction term measures the difference in response under intervention and control for two covariate values separated by 1 standard deviation, i.e. \( E{S_{{Inter}}} = E(Y|T = 1,X = 1) - E(Y|T = 0,X = 1) - \left\{ {E(Y|T = 1,X = 0) - E(Y|T = 0) - E(Y|T = 0,X = 0)} \right\} \).To achieve the same power for detecting an effect size, ES ME for the main effect in a trial with equal allocations to intervention and control, we require \( E{S_{{Inter}}} = 2E{S_{{ME}}} \) . This is the identical result for the case of a dichotomous moderator variable presented in the text.
In this argument we have ignored the differences in smaller degrees of freedom needed to test for this interaction effect across trials; nevertheless, the relationship ICC < 4(M-1)/N is still a very conservative bound.
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We would like to thank our colleagues in the Prevention Science and Methodology Group (PSMG) for their suggestions in the development of this paper. This project was funded by a National Institute on Drug Abuse supplement to the Prevention Science and Methodology Group for the US-EU Drug Abuse Prevention Project (R01MH040859; Brown, Sloboda, Muthén, Masyn, Wang), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (No. 039223, 040371) for Sloboda, Stephens, Grey, Teasdale. The EU-Drug Abuse Prevention Project is funded by the European Commission (European Public Health programme 2002 grant # SPC 2002376, Faggiano, Vigna-Taglianti), and the parallel data analyses supported by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (Burkhart, CT.09.RES.005.1.0: Keller). We would also like to thank J G Perpich LLC for their support in the use of the NIDA International Virtual Collaboratory funded through N44DA000000-00409, for their logistical support in developing our international collaboration. A version of this paper was presented by the first author at the “Foundational Issues in Examining Subgroup Effects in Experiments” Interagency Federal Methodological Meeting: Subgroup Analysis in Prevention and Intervention Research, Washington, DC.
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Brown, C.H., Sloboda, Z., Faggiano, F. et al. Methods for Synthesizing Findings on Moderation Effects Across Multiple Randomized Trials. Prev Sci 14, 144–156 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-011-0207-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-011-0207-8