Correction to: Photosynthesis Research (2023) 156:247–264

After publication, we discovered that an isotopically light CO2 source was leaking into our incubator during the time that cells were growing for δ13C analysis. As CCMs are associated with isotopically heavier δ13C signatures and supplementary CO2 may suppress CCMs or otherwise result in increased carbon isotope selectivity, we repeated the δ13C experiment with comparable methods and obtained a new C. merolae biomass δ13C value of − 19.75 ± 0.94‰ (mean ± 2 SEs) which is heavier than the previously reported value of − 23.03 ± 0.16‰. Our original conclusion of C. merolae’s biomass δ13C being consistent with a CCM is unaffected by this corrected result and even strengthened since the shift is to an isotopically heavier signature.