The paper proposes a geostatistical approach for delineating management zones (MZs) based on multivariate geostatistics, showing the use of polygon kriging to compare durum wheat yield among the different MZs (polygons). The study site was a durum wheat field in southern Italy and yield was measured over three crop seasons. The first regionalized factor, calculated with factorial cokriging, was used to partition the field into three iso-frequency classes (MZs). For each MZ, the expected value and standard deviation of yield were estimated with polygon kriging over the three crop seasons. The yield variation was only in part related to soil properties but most of it might be ascribable to different patterns of meteorological conditions. Both components of variation (plant and soil) in a cropping system should then be taken into account for an effective management of rainfed durum wheat in precision agriculture. The proposed approach proved multivariate Geostatistics to be effective for MZ delineation even if further testing is required under different cropping systems and management.
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Buttafuoco, G., Castrignanò, A., Cucci, G. et al. Geostatistical modelling of within-field soil and yield variability for management zones delineation: a case study in a durum wheat field. Precision Agric 18, 37–58 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-016-9462-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-016-9462-9