Correction to: Political Behavior

After publication of the original article, it came to the authors’ attention that there were errors in figure caption and should have been the following information. The original article PDF has now been corrected.

  • Error: Second author name is listed as Laurel Harbridge Yong (with space between Harbridge Yong)

    • Correction: Second author name should be listed as Laurel Harbridge-Yong (with hyphen between Harbridge-Yong). This should be corrected in author list at top and bottom of page 1.

  • Error: near the bottom of the abstract the sentence “Importantly, these effects go beyond motivated reasoning: leadership effects occur…”

    • Correction, please delete the phrase “these effects go beyond motivated reasoning:” and the colon. The sentence should read: “Importantly, leadership effects occur even…”

  • Error: on page 2, the sentence starting in the fifth line says: “In such situations, where partisan cues meaningless”

    • Correction: please add the word “are” between cues and meaningless.

  • Error: Figure 2 is printed in the beginning of the theoretical framework section (page 5), but it is discussed in the results several pages later (page 11) and should be near that section of the text.

    • Correction: The placement of Figure 2 should be in the results section around page 11.

  • Error: The title for Figure 2 is incorrect. It is listed as "Fig. 2 Pardon of Party Insider Mechanisms" (in short, the titles for Figures 2 and 3 are reversed in the printed article).

    • Correction: Figure 2 should be titled "Fig. 2 Pardon of Party Insider"

  • Error: The title for Figure 3 is incorrect. It is listed as "Fig. 3 Pardon of Party Insider" (in short, the titles for Figures 2 and 3 are reversed in the printed article).

    • Correction: Figure 3 should be titled "Fig. 3 Pardon of Party Insider Mechanisms"

  • Error: Footnote 5 (on page 6) incorrectly references Fig. 2.

    • Correction: Footnote 5 should reference Fig. 3.

  • Error: Figure 6 should be with Experiment 2, not after the first paragraph of Experiment 3.

    • Correction: Move Figure 6 up before Experiment 3

  • Error: There are inconsistencies in the article text in terms of whether the word “Figure” is spelled out or abbreviated as Fig. For example, Fig. 1 is abbreviated on page 4, while Figure 2 is spelled out on page 11.