The Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior (EPOVB) Section of the American Political Science Association is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 award for the Best Article in Political Behavior. This award is for the best article published in Political Behavior during the previous calendar year. The award committee—Barry Burden, Cecilia Mo, and Samara Klar—chose co-winners among the articles published in Political Behavior in 2020. The winners are:

Rachel Bernhard and Sean Freeder, "The More You Know: Voter Heuristics and the Information Search" (pp. 603–623,


Nicole Yadon and Mara C. Ostfeld, "Shades of Privilege: The Relationship between Skin Color and Political Attitudes Among White Americans" (pp. 1369–1392,

Congratulations to Mara, Nicole, Rachel, and Sean for producing such outstanding work!