Correction to: Political Behavior

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in “Literature” heading.

The corrected paragraph is given below.

Using the 2012–2018 California State Assembly races, Sadhwani finds that Asian Americans who live in places that are 15–30% have higher voter turnout. Turnout in these districts is also increased when an Asian candidate is on the ballot (2020). Although turnout is increased when an Asian American is on the ballot, it is unknown whether or not Asian voters also have a preference for candidates of the same race or candidates of the same national-origin. There is limited research on how Asian Americans use racial and national-origin cues (if any) in their vote choice. Tam notes that assuming a ‘pan-Asian’ hypothesis (i.e. a unified Asian preference for policy and candidates), is problematic (1995). In an analysis of candidate support for Mike Honda and Ro Khanna, Sadhwani finds that Honda, a Japanese American, received more support from Vietnamese. His opponent, an Indian American named Ro Khanna, received more support for Chinese and Indian voters in that district (2017; 2021).

The citations to add in are: