Correction to: Plant and Soil.

In the published version of this paper, the titles for figs. 3 and 4 should be presented as below:

Fig. 3 15N allocation (expressed as % of total 15N measured in all compartments) among shoots, roots and soil in donor oak and receiver Molinia. Species were sole-grown (a, b, c and d) or mixed-grown (e, f, g and h), for each season: summer (a and e), autum (b and f), winter (c and g) and spring (d and h). Values are reported as means ± SE (n = 4)

Fig. 4 15N allocation (expressed as % of total 15N measured in all compartments) among shoots, roots and soil in donor oak and receiver oak. Species were sole-grown (a, b, c and d) or mixed-grown (e, f, g and h), for each season: summer (a and e), autum (b and f), winter (c and g) and spring (d and h). Values are reported as means ± SE (n = 4)