In their recent paper “Formation of Hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) from HCHO and NH3 - Relevance to Prebiotic Chemistry and B3LYP consideration” Zeffiro et al. (Orig Life Evol Biosph DOI 10.1007/s11084-015-9479-5) stated: “… a complete theoretical study of the formation of HMT has not received due considerations in the literature with regard to the thermodynamic feasibility of many of the mechanistically proposed intermediates in its formation.” We wish to point out that in our publication “The mechanism of hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) formation in the solid state at low temperature” (Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2012, 14, 12309–12320), experimental and theoretical results were fruitfully combined to elucidate the mechanism of HMT formation, providing both thermodynamic and kinetic energy values.