Volcanic events with an important affectation of urban areas and other land areas with important human activity have been rare in Europe in the past century. This has led to a lack of comprehensive analysis of the social, economic and environmental damages that these types of events can cause on specific human communities. In the present study, we apply an industrial ecology approach to calculate the damage linked to the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands in September 2021. Therefore, the main objective was to apply the multi-dimensional damage assessment (MDDA) methodology to quantify the degree of damage that has been exerted by the eruption in the island of La Palma (Spain) through the inclusion of environmental damage endpoints with other sustainable development variables (i.e., social and economic dimensions). Data were obtained from different sources, including the cadastre of La Palma, local data on derived health, as well as data obtained from the global ecosystem dynamics investigation of NASA, among other sources. Thereafter, damage endpoints were all converted to disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Results show that direct gaseous emissions from the volcano were responsible for a significant amount of total DALYs, above 90% in all scenarios, followed by damage linked to economic losses, as well as social losses related to morbidity. Other environmental damages played a minor part in the total damage exerted by the volcano. The results demonstrate the importance of air quality indicators in the aftermath of an eruption in densely populated areas; in contrast, the impact associated with infrastructure loss played a minor role in total damage. Although challenges remain when providing a holistic quantification of total damage linked to volcanic disasters, the MDDA method constitutes a promising systematic standardized and transparent damage quantification tool that allows computing a deterministic damage evaluation that can aid in natural hazard risk assessment. In fact, it is considered that the method has the potential to be used as a holistic decision tool to aid in mitigating disaster risk.
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Ramzy Kahhat would like to thank the Dirección Académica de Relaciones Institucionales (DARI) at PUCP for funding his research stay at TU Wien. The authors thank María Varela-Mariño, Nadia Van Moen and Álvaro Pérez-Gil for sharing valuable scientific exchange and visual information regarding the eruption in La Palma.
The authors would like to thank the Dirección de Fomento de la Investigación at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) for partially funding this research. Ian Vázquez-Rowe, Claudia Cucchi and Ramzy Kahhat thank ProCiencia, the national research funding agency in Peru, for funding their time through project PE501080360-2022.
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Ian Vázquez-Rowe: conceptualization, validation, formal analysis, investigation, resources, writing (original draft), supervision, project administration, funding acquisition; Claudia Cucchi: formal analysis, methodology, software, visualization, writing (original draft); Luis Moya: methodology, validation, formal analysis, visualization, writing (review and editing); Eduardo Parodi: methodology, writing (review and editing); Ramzy Kahhat: validation, formal analysis, writing (review and editing), supervision, funding acquisition.
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Vázquez-Rowe, I., Cucchi, C., Moya, L. et al. Applying the multi-dimensional damage assessment (MDDA) methodology to the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in La Palma (Spain). Nat Hazards (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-024-06775-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-024-06775-y