The present literature review is aimed at offering a comprehensive and critical view of behavioral data collected during the past seventy years concerning visuoperception in severe alcohol use disorders (AUD). To pave the way for a renewal of research and clinical approaches in this very little understood field, this paper (1) provides a critical review of previous behavioral studies exploring visuoperceptive processing in severe AUD, (2) identifies the alcohol-related parameters and demographic factors that influence the deficits, and (3) addresses the limitations of this literature and their implications for current clinical strategies. By doing so, this review highlights the presence of visuoperceptive deficits but also shows how the lack of in-depth studies exploring the visual system in this clinical population results in the current absence of integration of these deficits in the dominant models of vision. Given the predominance of vision in everyday life, we stress the need to better delineate the extent, the specificity, and the actual implications of the deficits for severe AUD.
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This paper will focus on both visuoperceptive and visuospatial processes, to address both (1) visual recognition processes based on the analysis of basic features such as form, pattern, and color, mostly linked to the ventral visual pathway and temporal cortex, also known as the "what" system, (2) visual-spatial analysis, generally associated with the dorsal visual pathway and parietal cortex, and often called the "where" system (Kreutzer et al., 2017). The term "visuoperception" will be used to refer to visual perception in general, and not specifically to ventral visual processes as little distinction has been made so far between the two visual streams in the severe AUD literature.
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Creupelandt, C., Maurage, P. & DˈHondt, F. Visuoperceptive Impairments in Severe Alcohol Use Disorder: A Critical Review of Behavioral Studies. Neuropsychol Rev 31, 361–384 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11065-020-09469-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11065-020-09469-x