A generally weak area in research papers, reports, and reviews is the complete identification of seminal background documents that formed the building blocks for these papers. A method for systematically determining these seminal references is presented. Citation-assisted background (CAB) is based on the assumption that seminal documents tend to be highly cited. Application of CAB to the field of nanotechnology research is presented. While CAB is a highly systematic approach for identifying seminal references, it serves as a supplement and is not a substitute for the judgment of the authors
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Kostoff, R.N., Murday, J.S., Lau, C.G. et al. The seminal literature of nanotechnology research. J Nanopart Res 8, 193–213 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11051-005-9034-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11051-005-9034-9