1 Introduction

The \((\mu +1)\) Evolutionary Algorithm and the \((\mu +1)\) Genetic Algorithm, \((\mu + 1)\)-EA and \((\mu + 1)\)-GA for short, are heuristic algorithms that aim to optimize an objective or fitness function \(f : \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\). Both maintain a population of \(\mu\) search points, and in each round they create an offspring from the population and discard one of the \(\mu +1\) search points, based on their objective values. They differ in how the offspring is created: the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA chooses a parent from the population and mutates it, the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA may use crossover of two parent solutions instead of mutation, see Algorithm 1 in Sect. 2 for the precise definition.Footnote 1

Two classical theoretical questions for these algorithms have always been:

  • What is the effect of the population size? In which optimization landscapes and regimes are larger (smaller) populations beneficial?

  • In which situations does crossover improve performance?

Although these questions have always been central for studies of the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA and the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA , there is still vivid ongoing research on these questions, see (Antipov et al. 2018; Dang et al. 2017; Doerr et al. 2012; Jansen and Wegener 2002; Pinto and Doerr 2018; Sudholt 2017; Witt 2006, 2013) for a selection of theoretical works. (Also, the book chapter (Sudholt 2020) treats related topics.) More generally, the research question is: which algorithm configurations perform well in which optimization landscapes? Such landscapes are given by a specific benchmark functions or by a class of functions.

Recently, a new type of dynamic landscapes was introduced by Lengler and Schaller (Lengler and Schaller 2018). It was called noisy linear functions in Lengler and Schaller (2018), but we prefer the term dynamic linear functions. In this setting, the objective function is of the form \(f:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \mathbb {R}; f(x) = \sum _{i=1}^n W_ix_i\) with positive coefficients \(W_i>0\). However, the twist is that the weights \(W_i\) are redrawn for each generation. I.e., we have a distribution \(\mathcal D\), and for the tth generation we draw i.i.d. weights \(W_i^{(t)}\) from that distribution, which define a function \(f^{(t)}\). Then the \(\mu +1\) competing individuals are compared with respect to the fitness function \(f^{(t)}\).

To motivate this setting, let us give a grotesquely oversimplified example. Imagine a chess engine has 100 bits as parameters. Each bit switches on/off a database tailored to one specific opening (\(1 =\) access, \(0 =\) no access), and this improves performance massively for this opening. E.g., the first bit determines whether the engine plays well in a French Opening, but has no influence whatsoever on the performance of an Italian Opening (the database is ignored since it does not produce matches to that situation). Let us go even further and assume that the engine will always win an opening if the corresponding database is active, and always lose with inactive database. Then we have removed even the slightest ambiguity, and this setting has an obvious optimal solution, which is the all-one string (activate all databases). This situation may seem completely trivial, but crucially, it is not solved by some standard optimization algorithms.

To complete the analogy, assume that the engine is trained by playing against different players, where player t has probability \(W_i^{(t)}\) to choose the ith opening. Then the reward is precisely the dynamic linear function introduced above, and it was shown in Lengler and Schaller (2018) that the \((1 + 1)\)-EA needs exponential time to approximate the optimum within a constant factor when configured with bad parameters. These bad parameter settings look quite innocent. With standard bit mutation (i.e., for mutation we flip each bit independently with probability \(p=c/n\)), any choice \(c > c_0 \approx 1.59\) leads asymptotically to an exponential time for finding or approximating the optimum, if the distribution \(\mathcal D\) is too skewed. On the other hand, for any \(c<c_0\) the \((1 + 1)\)-EA finds the optimum in time \(O(n\log n)\) for any \(\mathcal D\). This lack of stability motivates our paper: we ask whether larger population sizes and/or crossover can push the threshold \(c_0\) of failure.

Optimization of dynamic functions may occur in various contexts. The chess engine with varying opponents is one such example. Similar examples arise in the context of co-evolution, e.g., a chess-engine trained against itself, or a team of DOTA agents in which some abilities of an agent (good aim, good exploration strategy, good path planning, ...) are always helpful (positive weight), but may be more or less important depending on her current co-agents. A rather different example is planning the timetable of a transportation company: to be efficient in the exploration phase of the optimization algorithm, schedules may be compared only for some partial data, and not for the whole data set. Similarly, consider an optimization process in which the function evaluation involves an offline test, as in drug development or robotic training. Then each test may involve subtly varying outer conditions (e.g., different temperatures or humidity, different lighting), which effectively gives a slightly different fitness function for each test.

Our Results in a Nutshell Instead of the full range of dynamic linear functions as in Lengler and Schaller (2018), we only study the limiting case of these functions, which we call dynamic binval. We perform experiments to study the performance of the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA and the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA for small values of \(\mu\). Similarly as for the \((1 + 1)\)-EA , we find that for each algorithm there is a threshold \(c_0\) such that the algorithm is efficient for every mutation parameter \(c<c_0\), and inefficient for \(c>c_0\). This threshold \(c_0\) is our main object of study, and we investigate how it depends on the algorithmic choices. We find that an increased population size helps to push \(c_0\), but that the benefits are much larger when crossover is used. As a baseline, we recover the theoretical result from Lengler and Schaller (2018) that for the \((1 + 1)\)-EA the threshold is at \(c_0 \approx 1.59\), though experimentally, for \(n=3000\) it seems closer to 1.7. Thus \(n=3000\) seems sufficient to observe the theoretical results that have been proven for \(n\rightarrow \infty\), and all following experimental results were also obtained for \(n=3000\). For the \((2 + 1)\)-EA the threshold increases to \(c_0\approx 2.2\), and further to \(c_0 \approx 3.1\) for the \((2 + 1)\)-GA . If we explicitly forbid that the two parents in crossover are identical then the threshold even shifts to \(c_0 \approx 4.2\). We call the resulting algorithm \((2 + 1)\)-GA-NoCopy . For larger population sizes we get a threshold of \(c_0 \approx 2.6\) for the \((3 + 1)\)-EA , \(c_0 \approx 3.4\) for the \((5 + 1)\)-EA , \(c_0 \approx 6.1\) for the \((3 + 1)\)-GA , and \(c_0 > 20\) for the \((5 + 1)\)-GA . Thus we find that moderately increased population sizes extend the range of efficient algorithm configurations, and that crossover boosts this positive effect substantially.

The theoretical results for the \((1 + 1)\)-EA predict that the runtime jumps from quasi-linear to exponential. Indeed, we can experimentally confirm huge jumps in the runtime even for slight changes of the mutation parameter c. For example, we obtain a significant p-value for the a posteriori hypothesis that the \((2 + 1)\)-EA with \(c=2.5\) is more than 60 times slower than the \((2 + 1)\)-EA with \(c=2.0\). In fact, this is a highly conservative estimate since we needed to cut off the runs for \(c=2.5\). We systematically list these factors in our result sections.

To get a better understanding of the hardness of the optimization landscape, we compute the drift of degenerate populations, inspired by Lengler (2019). We call a population degenerate if it consists entirely of multiple copies of the same individual. If \(X_i\) is the number of zero-bits in the ith degenerate population, then we estimate the drift \(\mathbb E[X_{i}-X_{i+1} \mid X_i = y]\) by Monte-Carlo simulations. Moreover, for y close to 0 we derive precise asymptotic formulas for the degenerate population drift for the \((2 + 1)\)-EA and the \((2 + 1)\)-GA . In Lengler (2019) the degenerate population drift was studied theoretically for the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA on monotone functions, which is a related, but not identical setup (see below). Still, parts of the analysis carry over: if the population drift is negative for some y then the runtime is exponential, while it is \(O(n\log n)\) if the population drift is positive everywhere. As per the information provided by the publisher, Figure [5] will be black and white in print; hence, please confirm whether we can add “colour figure online” to the caption Yes, please do that.

Perhaps surprisingly, the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA and the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA are not just quantitatively different, but we also find a strong qualitative difference in the hardness landscape. For the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA , the “hardest” part of the optimization process is close to optimum, in all cases that we have experimentally explored. Formally, we found that if the degenerate population drift is negative somewhere, then it is also negative close to the optimum. For the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA , we found the opposite: the degenerate population drift can be negative for some intermediate ranges, although it is positive around the optimum. This implies that the hard part of optimization (taking exponential time) is getting in the vicinity of the optimum. But once the algorithm is somewhat near the optimum, it will efficiently finish optimization. This behavior is rather counter-intuitive, since common wisdom says that optimization gets harder close to the optimum.Footnote 2 Notably, a similar phenomenon has recently been proven for certain monotone functions by Lengler (2019); Lengler and Zou (2019), see below.

Related Work The only previous work on dynamic linear functions is by Lengler and Schaller (2018). As mentioned before, they proved that for every \(c>c_0\approx 1.59\) there is \(\varepsilon >0\) and a distribution \(\mathcal D\) such that the \((1 + 1)\)-EA with mutation rate c/n needs exponential time to find a search point with at least \((1-\varepsilon )n\) one-bits for dynamic linear functions with weight distribution \(\mathcal D\). For \(c<c_0\) the optimization time is \(O(n\log n)\) for all distributions \(\mathcal D\). Moreover, for any \(c>c_0\), they gave a complete characterization of all distributions for which the \((1 + 1)\)-EA with mutation rate c/n is efficient/inefficient.

Other previous work on population-based algorithms in dynamic environments had a slightly different flavor. One goal was to understand how well various algorithms can track a slowly moving optimum in a dynamic environment, e.g. Dang et al. (2017), Lissovoi and Witt (2016). Another was to show that dynamic environments can prevent algorithms from falling into traps (Rohlfshagen et al. 2009). For more details on these topics we refer to the survey by Sudholt (Sudholt 2020, Section 8.5), with emphasis on the role of diversity.

An important strand of work that is similar to our setting in spirit, though not in detail, is the study of monotone functions. A function is monotone if for every bit-string, flipping any zero-bit into a one-bit increases the fitness. Doerr et al. (2013) and Lengler and Steger (2018) showed that there are monotone functions for which the \((1 + 1)\)-EA needs exponential time to find or approximate the optimum if the mutation parameter c is too large (\(c > c_0 \approx 2.1\)), while it is efficient for all monotone functions if \(c\le 1+\varepsilon\) for some small \(\varepsilon >0\) (Lengler et al. 2019). The construction of hard (static) instances from Lengler and Steger (2018) was named HotTopic in Lengler (2019), and it resembles dynamic linear functions: the HotTopic function is locally given by linear functions with certain positive weights, but as the algorithm proceeds from one part of the search space (“level”) to the next, the weights change. This analogy inspired the introduction of dynamic linear functions in Lengler and Schaller (2018). Other than the rather technical HotTopic functions, dynamic linear functions have the advantage that they are extremely simple and arguably more natural.

For HotTopic functions, there is a plethora of results. In Lengler (2019), the dichotomy between exponential and quasi-linear time from the \((1 + 1)\)-EA was extended to a large number of other algorithms, including the \((1 + \lambda )\)-EA , the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA , their so-called “fast” counterparts, and the \((1 + (\lambda ,\lambda ))\)-GA . On the other hand, it was shown that the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA is always efficient for HotTopic functions if the population size is sufficiently large, while for the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA the population size does not change the threshold \(c_0\) at all. Notably, for the population-based algorithms \((\mu + 1)\)-EA and \((\mu + 1)\)-GA , the efficiency result was only obtained for parameterizations of the HotTopic functions in which the weight changes occur close to the optimum. This seemed like a technical detail at first, but in an extremely surprising result, Lengler and Zou (2019) showed that this detail was hiding an unexpected core: if the weights are changed far away from the optimum, then increasing the population size has a devastating effect on the performance of the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA . For any \(c>0\) (also values much smaller than 1), there is a \(\mu _0\) such that the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA with \(\mu \ge \mu _0\) and mutation rate c/n needs exponential time on some monotone functions. Together with Lengler (2019), this shows three things for monotone functions:

  1. 1.

    For optimization close to the optimum, the population size has no strong impact on the performance of the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA .

  2. 2.

    Close to the optimum, the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA outperforms the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA massively (quasi-linear instead of exponential) if the population size is large enough. It can cope with any constant mutation parameter c.

  3. 3.

    Far away from the optimum, a larger population size decreases the performance of \((\mu + 1)\)-EA massively. There is no safe choice of c if \(\mu\) is too large.

It would be extremely interesting to understand the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA far away from the optimum. Unfortunately, such results are unknown. Theoretical analysis is hard (though perhaps not impossible), and function evaluations of HotTopic are extremely expensive, so experiments are only possible for very small problem sizes. Our paper can be seen as the first work which studies the behavior of the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA in a related, though not identical setting.

We conclude this section with a word of caution. HotTopic functions and dynamic linear functions are similar in spirit, but not in actual detail. For example, the analysis of the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA in Lengler (2019) or of the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA in Lengler and Zou (2019) rely heavily on the fact that their weights are locally stable in HotTopic functions. Thus it is unclear how far the analogy carries. Some of our experimental findings for the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA for dynamic linear functions differ from the theoretical (asymptotic) results for HotTopic in Lengler (2019), Lengler and Zou (2019). For us, a larger \(\mu\) is beneficial, as it shifts the theshold \(c_0\) to the right. For HotTopic functions, it does not shift the threshold at all if the algorithm operates close to the optimum, and it shifts the threshold to the left (i.e., makes things worse) far away from the optimum. This could either be because the theoretical effects only kick in for very large \(\mu\), or because HotTopic and dynamic linear functions are genuinely different. On the other hand, both settings agree in the surprising effect that the hardest part for the algorithm is not close to the optimum, but rather far away from it.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 The algorithms

All our considered algorithms maintain a population P of search points of size \(\mu\). In each round (or generation), they create an offspring from the population, and from the \(\mu +1\) search points they remove the one with lowest fitness, breaking ties randomly. They only differ in the offspring creation. The \((\mu + 1)\)-EA uses standard bit mutation: a random parent is picked from the population, and each bit in the parent is flipped with probability c/n. The genetic algorithms flip a coin in each round whether to use mutation (as above), or whether to use bitwise uniform crossover: for the latter, it picks two random parents from the population, and for each bit it randomly chooses the bit of either parent. For the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA , the two parents are chosen independently. For the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA-NoCopy , they are chosen without repetition. The parameters are thus the mutation parameter \(c>0\), which we will assume to be independent of n, and the population size \(\mu\). In our theoretical (asymptotic) results, we will only consider \(\mu =2\). The pseudocode description is given in Algorithm 1.

figure a

2.2 Dynamic linear functions and the dynamic binval function

We have described the algorithms for optimizing a static fitness function f. However, throughout the paper, we will consider dynamic functions that change in every round. We denote the function in the tth iteration by \(f^{(t)}\). That means that in the selection step (Line 11), we select the worst individual as \(z \in \arg \min \{f^{(t)}(x)\mid x\in P^{(t)}\}\), where \(P^{(t)}\) is the tth population. Crucially, we never mix different fitness functions, i.e., we never compare \(f^{(t_1)}(x)\) with \(f^{(t_2)}(x')\) for different \(t_1 \ne t_2\). In other words, the fitness of all individuals changes in each round. Hence, this requires \(\mu +1\) function evaluations per generation. However, as the examples in the introduction indicate, the dynamic setting is more natural in situations in which the fitness can not be explicitly computed, but where only comparisons are available. Therefore, we define the runtime as the number of generations until the algorithm finds the optimum. This deviates from the more standard convention to count the number of function evaluations (essentially by a factor \(\mu +1\)), but it makes the performance easier to compare with previous work on static linear functions. Also, note that the runtime equals the number of search points that are sampled, up to an additive \(-(\mu -1)\) from initialization.

The dynamic function we consider is dynamic binval. In order to explain and motivate this function, we first introduce a closely related type of dynamic functions: a dynamic linear function is described by a distribution \(\mathcal D\) on \(\mathbb {R}^+\). For the tth round, we draw n independent samples \(W_1^{(t)},\ldots ,W_n^{(t)}\) and set

$$\begin{aligned} f^{{(t)}} (x): = \sum \limits _{{i = 1}}^{n} {W_{i}^{{(t)}} \cdot x_{i} }. \end{aligned}$$

So \(f^{(t)}(x)\) is a non-negative value as the weights are positive. Thus all \(f^{(t)}\) share the same global optimum \(1\ldots 1\), have no other local optima, and they are monotone, i.e., flipping a zero-bit into a one-bit always increases the fitness.

For dynamic binval, dynbv , in the tth round we draw a permutation \(\pi _t: \{1..n\} \rightarrow \{1..n\}\) uniformly at random, and define

$$\begin{aligned} f^{{(t)}} (x) = \sum \limits _{{i = 1}}^{n} {2^{i} \cdot x_{{\pi _{t} (i)}} .} \end{aligned}$$

So, we randomly permute the bits of the string, and take the binary value of the permuted string. As for dynamic linear functions, all \(f^{(t)}\) share the same global optimum \(1\ldots 1\), have no other local optima, and prefer one-bits to zero-bits.

We claim that in a certain sense, dynbv is a limit case of dynamic linear functions in which the tail of the distribution \(\mathcal D\) becomes infinitely heavy. Let us make this precise. Consider a noisy linear function f and two strings x, \(x'\) that differ in k bits. To ease notation, assume they differ in the first \(k \ge 2\) bits. The order statistics \(W_{(1)}^{(t)}\le \ldots \le W_{(k)}^{(t)}\) are obtained from \(W_{1}^{(t)},\ldots ,W_{k}^{(t)}\) by sorting, i.e., the first order statistics \(W_{(1)}^{(t)}\) is the smallest value among \(W_{1}^{(t)},\ldots ,W_{k}^{(t)}\), and so on. If the distribution \(\mathcal {D}\) is sufficiently skewed, then the probability

$$\begin{aligned} p_k := \mathbb {P}\left (W_{(k)}^{(t)} \sum \limits _{i=1}^{k-1} W_{(i)}^{(t)}\right) \end{aligned}$$

comes arbitrarily close to one. However, conditioned on the event in (3), comparison with respect to the dynamic linear function is equivalent to comparison with respect to dynbv . If we compute the difference \(f^{(t)}(x)-f^{(t)}(x') = \sum _{i=1}^k W_i^{(t)}(x_i-x_i')\), then the sign of this difference will only depend on which of the k bits has the highest weight, since this summand dominates the whole remaining sum. The position of the highest weight bit is uniformly at random, so effectively, conditioned on the event in (3), the dynamic linear function picks randomly one of the bits in which x and \(x'\) differ, and bases its comparison only on that bit. This is exactly what dynbv also does.

In fact, this reasoning was implicitly used in (Lengler and Schaller 2018, Theorem 7). There, to construct a hard example for the \((1 + 1)\)-EA with \(c > c_0 \approx 1.59\), the authors used \(\mathcal D\) as a Pareto distribution Par\((\beta )\), showed that for this distribution \(p_k \ge (k-1)^{-\beta }\), and observed that this term comes arbitrarily close to 1 as \(\beta \rightarrow 0\). Then they picked \(\beta\) so close to zero that the difference was negligible. Thus, in effect, they used for their hard function that dynbv can be arbitrarily well approximated by dynamic linear functions, and their proof implies that the \((1 + 1)\)-EA also needs exponential time for dynbv if \(c > c_0\), and time \(O(n\log n)\) for \(c <c_0\). Note that in general one needs to be a bit careful when two limits \(n\rightarrow \infty\) and \(\beta \rightarrow \infty\) are involved. However, this is no problem for the \((1 + 1)\)-EA since there are strong tail bounds for the number of bits in which x and \(x'\) differ Lengler and Schaller (2018). The same argument also extends to populations in situations in which the population tends to degenerate to copies of a single point, as it is the case for \((\mu +1)\) algorithms if it is hard to find improvements (Lengler 2019).

2.3 Runtime simulations

Recall that we count the runtime as the number of generations until the optimum is sampled. We run the different algorithms to observe the distribution of the runtime. A run terminates if either the optimum is found, or an upper limit of generations is reached. Unless otherwise noted, the upper limit is set to be \(100 e^c/c\cdot n \ln {n}\), which is 100 times larger than the expected runtime of the \((1 + 1)\)-EA  Witt (2013). The python code of our runtime simulation can be found in our GitHub repository (Lengler and Meier 2020). Unless otherwise noted, each data point is obtained by 30 independent runs.

To verify the correctness of our simulation we first measure mean and variance of the runtime of the (1+1)-EA with mutation parameter \(c = 1\) on the function onemax (the linear function where all weights are 1), and compare them with the highly accurate values derived in Hwang et al. (2018). We compute mean and variance of 3000 runs and find that our observed mean deviates \(0.16\%\) of the predicted mean, while the observed variance of is within \(2.3\%\) of the predicted variance.

To visualize runtimes, we use plots provided by the IOHprofiler (Doerr et al. 2018). As an example, the runtime of the \((1 + 1)\)-EA with mutation parameter \(c = 1.0\) on onemax is visualized in Fig. 1. Note that time (i.e., number of generations) is displayed on the y-axis, while the x-axis corresponds to the number of one-bits. Thus, a steep part of the curve corresponds to slow progress, while a flat part of a curve corresponds to fast progress. Also, mind that the y-axis uses log scale.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Runtime of the \((1 + 1)\)-EA on onemax 

Due to the exponential runtimes, we frequently encounter the problem that runs are terminated due to the iteration limit of \(100 e^c/c\cdot n\ln {n}\) generations. In this case we will plot two values, which are a lower and upper estimates for the expected runtime. The lower bound is the mean runtime, i.e., the average number of generations among the successful runs. By definition, this number never exceeds the upper limit. For the upper bound, we use the expected runtime (ERT) as defined by the IOH profiler. The ERT is calculated by drawing random runs from our pool of runs, until a successful run is drawn. Then the runtime of all drawn runs is added up, and the expectation of this process is defined as the ERT. This estimates the expected runtime if we start over the algorithm every time the iteration limit is reached. The ERT overestimates the runtime if the state at hitting the iteration limit is better than the starting state of a restart, which is the case in all benchmarks we consider. (It may not be the case for deceptive functions.) If all runs hit the iteration limit, then we define the mean runtime (our lower bound) to be the iteration limit, while the ERT (the upper bound) is infinity. A more detailed explanation of the ERT can be found in Doerr et al. (2018).

Comparison of Runtimes. We want to compare runtimes for different algorithms and values of c. We denote by \(R_{c}^{\text {Alg}}\) the random variable describing the runtime of Algorithm Alg for a specific c. Because our sample size is fairly small (10–30), we compare runtimes using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test is a test of the null hypothesis that with probability at least 1/2 a randomly selected value from one runtime distribution will be at most (at least) a randomly selected value from a second runtime distribution. A small p-value would then indicate that the runtime of one algorithm, treated as random variable, is larger (smaller) than the runtime of the other algorithm in significantly more than half of the cases.

We will also be interested in quantifying by how much an algorithm is slower than another algorithm. To this end, we will determine the largest factor \(d \ge 1\) by which we can multiply one runtime distribution such that the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test still yields a statistically significant p-value. For example, we will find that even if we multiply the runtime \(R_{2.0}^{(2 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) with \(d=63.15\) then this is still significantly faster than \(R_{2.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) according to the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. Note that this is a posteriori hypothesis since the factor d is chosen in hindsight. Therefore, it must not be treated as an actually significant result. Still, it gives useful information, and shows that \(R_{2.0}^{(2 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) is very much smaller than \(R_{2.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\). All tests are done with R R Core Team (2020).

2.4 Analysis of population drift

As defined in the introduction, \(X_i\) is the number of zero-bits in an individual of the ith degenerated population, where degenerate means that all individuals are copies of the same search point. To be precise, if \(P^{(i)}\) is the ith degenerate population, then \(P^{(i+1)}\) is the first degenerate population after \(P^{(i)}\) has changed at least once. That does not exclude the possibility \(P^{(i)} = P^{(i+1)}\), but we require at least one intermediate step in which an offspring is accepted that is not a copy of the parent(s) in \(P^{(i)}\). Then the degenerate population drift (population drift for short) is \(\mathbf {E}[X_i - X_{i+1}\mid X_{i} = y]\). We will estimate this drift with Monte-Carlo simulations. Moreover, for \(y=o(n)\) we will derive a Markov chain state diagram in which all transition probabilities coincide with the transition probabilities in the real process up to \((1+o(1))\) factors. By analyzing this state diagram, we are able to compute the population drift up to minor order error terms.

To motivate the use of population drift, consider the following example for \(\mu =2\). Take a population \(\{x_1,x_2\}\), and assume that \(x_1\) has at least as many one-bits than \(x_2\). Then in every iteration, there is a chance to simply copy \(x_1\) (mutate but flip none of the bits), and accept it. For this to happen, we need to first mutate \(x_1\), flip no bits at all and accept the new offspring. The probability of mutating \(x_1\) and flipping no bits is given by \(\frac{1}{2} \cdot (1 - \frac{c}{n})^n \approx e^{-c}/2\) for the \((2 + 1)\)-EA and \(\frac{1}{4} \cdot (1 - \frac{c}{n})^n \approx e^{-c}/4\) for the \((2 + 1)\)-GA and the \((2 + 1)\)-GA-NoCopy . The probability of accepting \(x_1\) is at least 1/2, as \(x_1\) has at least as many 1s as \(x_2\). Hence, we have a constant probability to degenerate to a population \(\{x_1,x_1\}\) in every iteration. This implies that any population degenerates within an expected constant number of rounds. The argument can be generalized to larger \(\mu\), see Lengler (2019): for every constant \(\mu\) and c, the expected time until the population degenerates from any starting population is O(1). It is easy to see Lengler (2019) that for every constant \(\mu\) and c, the expected time for degeneration is O(1). Moreover, it was shown in Lengler (2019) that if the population drift is negative for \(y = \alpha n\) for some \(\alpha \in (1/2,1)\) then asymptotically the runtime is exponential in n. On the other hand, if the population drift is positive for all \(\alpha\) then the runtime is \(O(n \log n)\). Hence, we are trying to identify parameter regimes for which areas of negative population drift occur.

3 Results

3.1 Runtimes

The results of our runtime simulations for different algorithms and values of c can be found in Fig. 2. As expected, we find a threshold behavior, i.e., there is a value \(c_0\) such that the runtime increases dramatically as c crosses this threshold.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Comparison of runtimes for different algorithms and values of c. We choose values of c that lie around the threshold for the respective algorithm. We plot both ERT and mean (both in the same color) if they differ significantly (mean is always the lower curve, see Sect. 3.1 for a more detailed explanation)

We will estimate threshold ranges for the different algorithms by visual inspection. We chose the estimates in a conservative manner, such that the ranges will be too big rather than too small. For the \((1 + 1)\)-EA , we observe a threshold in \(c_0 \in [1.5,1.8]\) (in agreement with the theoretically derived threshold \(c_0 \approx 1.59\) from Lengler and Schaller (2018)). For the \((2 + 1)\)-EA , it seems to be within \(c_0 \in [2.2,2.3]\), for the \((2 + 1)\)-GA in [3.0, 3.2] and for the \((2 + 1)\text {-GA-NoCopy}~\) in [4.1, 4.3]. Thus we obtain a clear ranking of the algorithms for \(\mu \le 2\), which is \((1 + 1)\)-EA (worst), \((2 + 1)\)-EA , \((2 + 1)\)-GA , and \((2 + 1)\)-GA-NoCopy . For the \((3 + 1)\)-EA , the threshold appears to lie in the interval [2.5, 2.7], for the \((3 + 1)\)-GA in [6.0, 6.3] and for the \((5 + 1)\)-EA in [3.3, 3.45]. We were not able to find a threshold behavior for the \((5 + 1)\)-GA for any \(c < 20\). These results further confirm that the GA variants are performing massively better than its EA counterparts. Moreover, both for EAs and GAs, a larger population size shifts the threshold to the right. For GAs, this is analogous to theoretical results for monotone functions, but for EAs the effect goes in the opposite direction than for monotone functions, see the discussion in Sect. 1.

To validate the ranking for the algorithms with \(\mu \le 2\) statistically, we use the following comparisons. If we compare \(R_{2.0}^{(1 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) to \(d \cdot R_{2.0}^{(2 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test yields significant p-values \(\le 0.05\) for every \(d \le 57.88\). We conclude that for mutation parameter \(c=2.0\), the \((1 + 1)\)-EA is much slower than the \((2 + 1)\)-EA . In the same manner, \(d \cdot R_{2.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-GA}~}\) is significantly smaller than \(R_{2.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) for \(d \le 39.09\), and \(d \cdot R_{3.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-GA-NoCopy}~}\) is significantly smaller than \(R_{3.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-GA}~}\) for \(d \le 63.36\). This confirms the aforementioned ranking of the algorithms.

To establish intervals for the critical value \(c_0\) of the algorithms with \(\mu \le 2\), we compare \(R_{2.0}^{(1 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) to \(d \cdot R_{1.5}^{(1 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\), and find that the latter is significantly smaller for all \(d \le 38.84\). We interpret this huge drop in performance as strong indication that the threshold lies in the interval \(c_0\in [1.5,2]\). Likewise, \(R_{2.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) is larger than \(d \cdot R_{2.0}^{(2 + 1)\text {-EA}~}\) for \(d \le 63.15\), \(R_{3.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-GA}~}\) is larger than \(d \cdot R_{3.0}^{(2 + 1)\text {-GA}~}\) for \(d\le 29.00\), and \(R_{4.5}^{(2 + 1)\text {-GA-NoCopy}~}\) is larger than \(d \cdot R_{4.0}^{(2 + 1)\text {-GA-NoCopy}~}\) for \(d \le 29.59\), all with \(p<0.05\).

3.1.1 Degenerate population drift

We estimate the degenerate population drift by Monte-Carlo simulation on the \((2 + 1)\)-EA with \(c = 2.3\), which is slightly above the threshold. The results are visualized in Fig. 3. We can clearly see that the conditional population drift is negative in the area between 300 and 50 one-bits away from the optimum, but then becomes positive again when being less than 50 one-bits away from the optimum. We conclude that the hardest part for the \((2 + 1)\)-EA is not around the optimum. We obtained similar results for the \((3 + 1)\)-EA , also visualized in Fig. 3. This surprising result is similar to monotone functions (Lengler 2019; Lengler and Zou 2019), see the discussion in Sect. 1.

For the \((2 + 1)\)-GA , the picture looks entirely different, as the drift is now strictly decreasing. We can only observe a negative drift area right at the optimum, starting from about 2900 one-bits. This behavior is similar to the \((1 + 1)\)-EA and the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA-NoCopy , where the most difficult part is also close to the optimum (data not shown). Unfortunately, due to the large value of \(c_0\), we were not able to obtain a conclusive result for the \((3 + 1)\)-GA within reasonable computation time.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Degenerate population drift for different algorithms and values of c just above the respective thresholds. The shaded area shows standard deviation

For the \((2 + 1)\)-EA and \((2 + 1)\)-GA , we also derive exact asymptotic formulas for the population drift close to the optimum. Since the derivation is rather tedious, we postpone it to the appendix. Define y to be the number of zero-bits. We compare the formula with the estimates via Monte Carlo simulation for different values of c, using \(n = 3000, y = 1\), see Fig. 4. We can see that the curves match closely for small c, and that we get a moderate fit for larger c. We suspect that the deviations for the \((2 + 1)\)-EA come from the expectation of the population drift being influenced by large but rare values of \(X_i - X_{i+1}\) for large c. So the Monte Carlo simulations might be missing parts of this heavy tail. This tail is less heavy for the \((2 + 1)\)-GA , since the probability to produce duplicates is always high, and thus degeneration happens quickly even for large c. In both cases, the curves agree perfectly in the sign of the population drift, which is our main interest. Negative drift at the optimum occurs at \(c > 3.1\) for the \((2 + 1)\)-GA , which matches well the threshold obtained from runtime simulations. However, as expected, there is no such match for the \((2 + 1)\)-EA , where the threshold for the population drift at the optimum is 2.5 while the threshold for the runtime is below 2.3. I.e., the \((2 + 1)\)-EA already struggles for values of c for which optimization around the optimum is easy. This confirms that the hardest region for the \((2 + 1)\)-EA (but not the \((2 + 1)\)-GA ) is not at the optimum, but a bit away from it.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Degenerate Population Drift for the \((2 + 1)\)-EA and \((2 + 1)\)-GA at the optimum. Blue: asymptotic formula. Orange: Monte Carlo simulation

4 Conclusions

We have studied the effect of population size and crossover for the dynamic dynbv benchmark. We have found that the algorithms generally profited from larger population size. Moreover, they profited strongly from crossover, even more so if we forbid crossovers between identical parents.

We have studied the case \(\mu \le 2\) in more depth. Remarkably, there is a strong qualitative difference between the \((2 + 1)\)-EA and the \((2 + 1)\)-GA . While for the latter one, the hardest region for optimization is close to the optimum (as one would expect), the same is not true for the \((2 + 1)\)-EA . We believe that this is an interesting discovery. The only hint at such an effect on onemax -like functions that we are aware of is for monotone functions (Lengler and Zou 2019). However, the results in Lengler and Zou (2019) predict that large population sizes hurt the \((\mu + 1)\)-EA , in opposition to our findings. Currently we are lacking any understanding of whether this comes from the small values of \(\mu\) that we considered here, or whether it is due to the differences between monotone and dynamic linear functions.

For future work, there are many natural questions. We have chosen the \((\mu + 1)\)-GA to decide randomly between a mutation and a crossover step, but other choices are possible. Even with our formulation, it might be that the probability 1/2 for choosing crossover has a strong impact. And it is open whether and how the results transfer to other variants of the algorithm, for example a version that uses both crossover and mutation in each generation, or an algorithm that uses k-point crossover. Also, we have exclusively focused on the limiting case dynbv , but dynamic linear functions are also interesting for less extreme case weight distributions. Finally, an interesting variant of dynamic linear functions or dynbv might not change the objective every round, but only every s rounds (our runtime simulation already supports this feature and is publicly available).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Transition diagram of a degenerated population in the \((2 + 1)\)-EA. (Colour figure online)