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DENS-YOLOv6: a small object detection model for garbage detection on water surface

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The study of garbage detection on water surface is of great significance for the development of water surface garbage monitoring and automated water surface garbage salvage. However, in water surface garbage scenes, the proportion of water background is relatively large, while the proportion of detection objects is relatively small. Moreover, the objects are easily affected by noise interference such as lighting, water waves, and reflections, which makes it difficult to extract object features and affects detection accuracy. In this paper, we propose a Detail Enhancement Noise Suppression YOLOv6 (DENS-YOLOv6) detection algorithm based on YOLOv6. Firstly, to better capture the detailed feature information of small objects, we design a Detail Information Enhancement Module (DIEM) based on atrous convolution. Secondly, to suppress noise interference on small objects, we develop an Adaptive Noise Suppression Module (ANSM). Finally, in order to improve the stability and convergence speed of the model training, we employ a regression loss function based on the Normalized Wasserstein Distance(NWD) metric. Experiments were conducted on the Flow+ dataset with a large number of small objects and the publicly available Pascal VOC2007 dataset. The mAP\(_S\) indicators reached 40.6% and 11.4%, respectively. Compared with other models, DENS-YOLOv6 achieved the highest small object detection accuracy

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This work was supported by Jiangsu Petrochemical Process Key Equipment Digital Twin Technology Engineering Research Center Open Project (DTEC202103).

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Ning Li and Mingliang Wang have led the conception and design of the work, as well as the acquisition and interpretation of data. They’ve also been instrumental in drafting and revising the content to ensure intellectual value. The final version has been approved by Shoukun Xu and reviewed by Gaochao Yang, Bo Li and Baohua Yuan.

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Li, N., Wang, M., Yang, G. et al. DENS-YOLOv6: a small object detection model for garbage detection on water surface. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 55751–55771 (2024).

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