Correction to: Mol Breed (2010) 26:31–38

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. In Fig. 4 of the original version of the article, the authors have not given reference to the prior publication in which this figure was published. The authors apologize to the readers of Molecular Breeding for the inconveniences caused by this oversight.

The legend for Fig. 4 should read: Xutv14 amplicons derived from templates of A: Zhoumai 22 (PmHNK) and C1: 2761-5 (Pm13). The arrowhead indicates the 570-bp fragment diagnostic for the presence of Pm13. M1: 100-bp DNA ladder, M2: DL 2000 molecular weight marker, taken from “Molecular Marker Mapping and Genetic Analysis of a Novel Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene PmHNK” by LI Chun-xin, XU Wei-gang, WANG Gen-song, HU Lin, ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Jian-zhou, and DONG Hai-bin published in Scientia Agricultura Sinica [2009, 42(8):2771–2777; doi:].