Erratum to: Mol Breeding DOI 10.1007/s11032-012-9699-6

The original publication of the article includes incorrect references, and authors would like to correct the irregular citation made in Xu et al. (2012), where the most part of a paragraph in the section “Genomic selection” under “Selection methods” was cited from Rutkoski et al. (2011). The paragraph involved sentences from “… (1) prediction model training and validation, (2) breeding value prediction of single-crosses, and (3) selection based on these predictions” and to “This is especially important for quantitative traits conferred by a large number of genes each with a small effect”, which should have been enclosed in quotes with the citation Rutkoski et al. (2011), except for a few different wordings.

The author would also like to indicate that writing the section “Genomic selection” greatly benefitted from this key reference.